@1652572938.28PDT = =tsimfast =msimfastScheduler =Ccollection =Pprocessing =ECan =Ssampler =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore =Astorage @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus !o:LoadError: mesg"hNo 'configure' script found on /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow:/home/esp/esp2/type:/home/esp/esp2/admin:bt["6/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:121:in `loadPath'"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:125:in `load'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:183:in `execute'"1/home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/initialize.rb:57"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:125:in `load'"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:125:in `load'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:183:in `execute'"-/home/esp/esp2/lib/esp.rb:110:in `shell'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 #-> exit #m\EXIT @1652572946.24PDT @1652573048.84PDT = =ECan =Ssampler =msimfastScheduler =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =tsimfast =Ccollection =Pprocessing @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #-> Log.upload '-v' #"uploadLog"-v\ /usr/bin/closeAll: line 12: exec: -v: invalid option\ exec: usage: exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [argument ...]] [redirection ...] #t-> Log.upload #-> Log.method :upload #-> list _ #-> Log.uploadCmd #-> Log.uploadCmd="upsync -v" #-> Log.upload #"uploadLog"upsync -v #t-> exit #m\EXIT @1652573182.95PDT @1652573282.05PDT = =Ccollection =Pprocessing =ECan =Ssampler =msimfastScheduler =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 16:00:00PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "16:00:00.00" #-> Log.upload #"uploadLog"upsync #t-> Log.upload.finis !o:NoMethodError : mesgu:NameError::messageOundefined method `finis' for #: name:\ finis: args[:bt["(ESP):2:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #"uploadLog"upsync #t-> Log.upload.finish #"uploadLog"upsync #t-> exit #m\EXIT @1652573998.82PDT @1652588236.79PDT = =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =tsimfast =Ccollection =Pprocessing =ECan =Ssampler =msimfastScheduler @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 16:00:00PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "16:00:00.00" #-> can.xray E e5-00 #t-> can.time E e5-00 #t-> Can.xray #-> list method :can #-> can.data E e5-00 !to:NoMethodError : mesgu:NameError::message2undefined method `data' for #: name: data: args[:bt["(ESP):5:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> Can.data #-> Can.unit #-> Can.data #-> Can.data.voltage !o:NoMethodError : mesgu:NameError::message8undefined method `voltage' for #: name: voltage: args[:bt["(ESP):9:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> Can.data #-> Can.data.class #-> list method :can #-> exit #m\EXIT @1652589608.21PDT @1652765587.16PDT = =Pprocessing =ECan =Ssampler =msimfastScheduler =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =tsimfast =Ccollection @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 16:00:00PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "16:00:00.00" #-> exit #m\EXIT @1652765596.68PDT @1652765627.80PDT = =Ccollection =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =Mmanipulator =msimfastScheduler =FMFB =ECan =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 16:00:00PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "16:00:00.00" #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> MainThread.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended @1652765641.70PDT @1652768838.81PDT = =Mmanipulator =tsimfast =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =Ccollection =Pprocessing =ECan =Ssampler =msimfastScheduler @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 16:00:00PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "16:00:00.00" #-> module Math; MyPI = 3.14159; end #-> Math::MyPI #-> PI !o:NameError: mesg"uninitialized constant PI: name:PI:bt["(ESP):3:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> MyPI !o:NameError: mesg" uninitialized constant MyPI: name: MyPI:bt["(ESP):4:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> Math::MyPI #-> Math::PI #-> Math::MyPI=22/7.0 !o:RuntimeError: mesg""cannot redefine constant MyPI:bt["(ESP):7:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> 22/7 #-> 22/7.0 #-> Math::MyPI=3.1415927 !o:RuntimeError: mesg""cannot redefine constant MyPI:bt["(ESP):10:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> Math.adjust :MyPI, 3.1415927 #-> Math::MyPI #-> $myPi = 3.14159 #-> $myPi = 22/7.0 #-> $hab #-> $bac #-> myPI=3.14159 #-> myPI=3.1415927 #-> module Math; myPI; end !o:NameError: mesgu:NameError::message>undefined local variable or method `myPI' for Math:Module: name: myPI:bt["(ESP):19:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> startTube #-> startTube 2 #-> self.startTube #-> startTube=3 #-> startTube #-> Storage.startTube !o:NoMethodError : mesgu:NameError::message9private method `startTube' called for Storage:Module: name:startTube: args[:bt["(ESP):25:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 #-> Storage.srcTube #-> startTube #-> module Math; startTube; end #-> list method :startTube #-> exit #m\EXIT @1652769629.12PDT @1652770233.31PDT = =Ccollection =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =Mmanipulator =msimfastScheduler =FMFB =ECan =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 16:00:00PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "16:00:00.00" #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> ESP::Mode #-> Thread.time #-> Time.now #-> Delay.until Time.now @PDT1652770268.19 #-> Thread.time #-> Time.now #-> Time.now - Thread.time #-> Time.now - Thread.time #"brent2"\Session Begun #-> 93 #"brent"-> #Hi #"brent2"-> delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time &: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"+brent2 aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #"brent2"-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #"brent"-> delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 #"brent2"-> delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 @PDT1652770868.19 !"brent"o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time ': mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.unsync #-> delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time ': mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 +60000 #-> Thread.unsync #-> delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 #"brent"-> delay 20.minutes .delay 20:00 !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time ',: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 #"brent"-> delay 10.minutes .delay 10:00 !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time 'T: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> ESP.main.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended @1652770675.84PDT @1652771597.71PDT = =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =Ccollection =Pprocessing =ECan =Ssampler =msimfastScheduler =Mmanipulator =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 00:31:08PDT17-May-22 .delayUntil "00:31:08.00PDT17-May-22" @PDT1652772668.00 #-> fill! 9, 1, 3..5, 7 #-> exit #m\EXIT @1652771610.93PDT @1652771721.07PDT = =Ssampler =Astorage =Mmanipulator =FMFB =ECan =tsimfast =Ccollection =msimfastScheduler =Pprocessing =hcore @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 00:31:08PDT17-May-22 .delayUntil "00:31:08.00PDT17-May-22" @PDT1652772668.00 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> clients #-> showlog #-> hidelog #-> ESP.configure .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON +149 S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'% h %] ."brent"\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %] ."brent"\PS.configure :default S)% P%#A d`xb h %] ."brent"\SS.configure :default C'& S)#.0X showlog #-> ESP.configure S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ C'% S)&\ h %p] ."brent"\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %q] ."brent"\PS.configure :default S)% P%#A d`xb h %] ."brent"\SS.configure :default C'& S)#.0X hidelog #-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #"brent2"\Session Begun #"brent"-> clients #-> brent2-ESP["brent2"] !o:Log::CannotDump: mesg">#:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/log.rb:471:in `recordException'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/log.rb:598:in `recordException'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/rmutex.rb:99:in `synchronize'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/log.rb:597:in `recordException'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:444:in `run'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 #-> brent2=ESP["brent2"] #-> brent2=ESP["brent2"].client #-> ESP["brent2"].puts "hello" #-> ESP["brent2"].showlog 100 !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time '8|: mesgu:NameError::messageHprivate method `showlog' called for #: name: showlog: args[ii:bt["!brent:6:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP["brent2"].client.showlog 100 #-> ESP["brent2"].interrupt !"brent2"o:UserAbort:@timestampu: Time '8|: mesg"User Abort from brent!!:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"!brent:8:in `topLevelBinding'" loop{} #"brent"-> ESP["brent2"].interrupt !"brent2"o:UserAbort:@timestampu: Time '8|: mesg"User Abort from brent!!:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"!brent:9:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP["brent"].puts "hello" #-> ESP["brent"].hidelog !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time '8|: mesgu:NameError::messageHprivate method `hidelog' called for #: name: hidelog: args[:bt[""brent2:3:in `topLevelBinding'" loop{} #"brent2"-> ESP["brent"].interrupt !"brent"o:UserAbort:@timestampu: Time '8|: mesg"User Abort from brent2!!:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'""brent2:4:in `topLevelBinding'" exit #\Session Ended #"otto"\Session Begun #-> ESP.ready! C'% h %p] ."rdySampler"Intake.select :close P%% ."rdySampler"\Exhaust.select :close M&% h %q] ."rdySampler"\CTV.dial :air h %] ."rdyProcessing"\PSV.dial :air C'  M&!% P%"  h %] ."otto"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.home.seek :retract M&#@2^d^b &#' #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended +60 h ' ."closeHand"Hand.close ."otto"\Elbow.jog -9000 M&$/ &%* +15 h ."rdySampler"\CSV.dial :waste1 C'& +76 h  ."rdyProcessing"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.home.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %'' h * ."otto"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose .\Elbow.home.seek :clear M&$ &.,(#b &(( +37 h ."rdySampler"\SSV.dial :spit,avoiding: :exhaust S)) h  S)* h  S)+  h ."readyCS"\CS.reconfigure :fast ."rdySampler"\SS.reconfigure :default ."readyCS"\CS.home.seek 0ml ."rdySampler"\SS.home.seek 0ml C'#d @b S)#.0X% h %L] P%?% h %] S)@% h %D] C'A& h &p] P%B& h &] M&C% h % ] M&D& h &Ó] A(E& h &] A(F% h %] C'G9 h 9 P%H9 h 9 #"otto"\Session Ended +-11590 !"otto's_reader"o:Errno::EPIPE:\ errnoi%: mesg"Broken pipe:bt["3/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:375:in `write'"3/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:375:in `print'"4/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:375:in `output'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:467:in `run'"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:461:in `loop'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:461:in `run'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:518:in `run'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:909:in `create'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:906:in `create'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:905:in `initialize'"%/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:905 +11891 #"brent"\Session Begun #-> ESP.main.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended @1652772583.63PDT @1652772599.45PDT = =Astorage =tsimfast =Ccollection =Pprocessing =msimfastScheduler =ECan =Ssampler =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 00:31:27PDT17-May-22 .delayUntil "00:31:27.00PDT17-May-22" @PDT1652772687.00 #"otto"\Session Begun #-> ESP.ready! .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON #t-> quit #m\EXIT #"otto"\Session Ended @1652772624.73PDT @1652815254.86PDT = =Ccollection =Pprocessing =hcore =msimfastScheduler =Ssampler =Astorage =Mmanipulator =FMFB =ECan =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 00:31:27PDT17-May-22 .delayUntil "00:31:27.00PDT17-May-22" @PDT1652772687.00 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #"nadia"\Session Begun #"dave"\Session Begun #"nick"\Session Begun #"brent"-> #Hello #"billbob"\Session Begun #-> #hi there #"dave"-> exit #\Session Ended #"nadia"-> exit #\Session Ended #"nick"-> exit #\Session Ended #"billbob"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> ESP::Mode #-> showlog 40 #-> Time::Days #-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> showlog 10 #-> MainThread.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended @1652980750.46PDT @1652980775.34PDT = =Mmanipulator =FMFB =ECan =Ccollection =msimfastScheduler =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus !o:LoadError: mesg"No 'configure' script found on /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent:/home/esp/esp2/type/shallow:/home/esp/esp2/type:/home/esp/esp2/admin:bt["6/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:121:in `loadPath'"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:125:in `load'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:183:in `execute'"1/home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/initialize.rb:57"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:125:in `load'"2/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:125:in `load'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:183:in `execute'"-/home/esp/esp2/lib/esp.rb:110:in `shell'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> ESP::Home #-> ESP::Mode #-> ESP::LogFn #-> ESP::MinVoltage !o:NameError :@timestampu: Time : mesg"+uninitialized constant ESP::MinVoltage: name:MinVoltage:bt["!brent:4:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP.simulation? #-> if ESP.simulation? then puts "nothing is real"; end #-> Thread.realtime? #-> Time.now #-> Thread.time #-> delayUntil Time.now .delayUntil "11:22:25.57PDT19-May-22" @PDT1652984545.57 #-> delay 2.hours .delay 2:00:00 +720000 #-> Time.now #-> Thread.time #-> delayUntil Time.now .delayUntil "11:23:04.23" !o:Log::CannotDump: mesg"V#:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/log.rb:471:in `recordException'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/log.rb:598:in `recordException'"5/home/esp/esp2/lib/rmutex.rb:99:in `synchronize'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/log.rb:597:in `recordException'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:444:in `run'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 #-> sleep 10 #-> pucks #-> 2+2 #-> def foo !o:SyntaxError:@timestampu: Time t˜Y: mesg"bcompile error\ brent:18: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '\\n' or ';'\ def foo\ ^:bt[""brent:18:in `topLevelBinding'" def foo\ :bar !o:SyntaxError:@timestampu: Time t˜Y: mesg"Jcompile error\ brent:21: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting kEND:bt[""brent:21:in `topLevelBinding'" def foo\ :bar\ end #-> foo #-> Thread(:me) {delay 2} ."me"delay 2 seconds #"brent"-> Thread[:me].abort !"me"o:Thread::Aborted :@timestampu: Time t˜Y: mesg""Aborted by brent":@checkpoint: omitted: @cause:me:@threadIdiV:bt["0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:484:in `abort'""brent:26:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread(:me) {log.comment Thread.time;sleep 2;delay 2} #"me"Thu May 19 13:22:25 -0700 2022 .delay 2 seconds #"brent"-> Thread[:me].abort !"me"o:Thread::Aborted :@timestampu: Time t˜Y: mesg""Aborted by brent":@checkpoint: omitted: @cause:me:@threadIdiV:bt["0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:484:in `abort'""brent:28:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread(:me) {log.comment Thread.time;sleep 2;delay 2} #"me"Thu May 19 13:22:25 -0700 2022 .delay 2 seconds #"brent"-> Thread(:me) {loop {log.comment Thread.time;sleep 2;delay 2}} #"me"Thu May 19 13:22:25 -0700 2022 .delay 2 seconds #"brent"-> MainThread.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended !"me"o:Thread::Aborted :@timestampu: Time t˜Y: mesg""Aborted by brent":@checkpoint: omitted: @cause:me:@threadIdi4/V:bt["0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:484:in `abort'"3/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `__send__'"8/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `abortChildren'"//home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `each'"8/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `abortChildren'"4/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:896:in `exclusive'"8/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:414:in `abortChildren'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:457:in `run'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 !o:Thread::Aborted :@timestampu: Time t˜Y: mesg""Aborted by brent":@checkpoint: omitted: @cause:me:@threadIdi@ V:bt["0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:484:in `abort'"3/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `__send__'"8/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `abortChildren'"//home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `each'"8/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:416:in `abortChildren'"4/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:896:in `exclusive'"8/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:414:in `abortChildren'"1/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:457:in `run'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 @1652986433.70PDT @1652987245.24PDT = =Pprocessing =tsimfast =msimfastScheduler =ECan =Ssampler =Mmanipulator =FMFB =hcore =Astorage =Ccollection @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 00:31:27PDT17-May-22 .delayUntil "00:31:27.00PDT17-May-22" @PDT1652772687.00 #-> ESP.configure .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON +149 S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'% h %] .t\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %] .t\PS.configure :default S)% P%#A d`xb h %] .t\SS.configure :default C'& S)#.0X ESP.ready! C'% P%% h %p] %q] ."rdySampler"Intake.select :close M&% ."rdyProcessing"\PSV.dial :air ."rdySampler"\Exhaust.select :close h %] P%  ."rdySampler"\CTV.dial :air M&% C'  h %] .t\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.home.seek :retract M&#@2^d^b &' +60 h ' ."closeHand"Hand.close .t\Elbow.jog -9000 M&/ &* +15 h ."rdySampler"\CSV.dial :waste1 C' +75 h  ."rdyProcessing"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.home.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %' h * .t\Elbow.reconfigure :loose .\Elbow.home.seek :clear M&$ &.,(#b &( +38 h ."rdySampler"\SSV.dial :spit,avoiding: :exhaust S) h  S) h  S)  h ."readyCS"\CS.reconfigure :fast ."rdySampler"\SS.reconfigure :default ."readyCS"\CS.home.seek 0ml C'#d @b ."rdySampler"\SS.home.seek 0ml S)#.0X exit #m\EXIT @1652987648.40PDT @1652987660.58PDT = =Ccollection =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =tsimfast =Mmanipulator =FMFB =ECan =msimfastScheduler @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 2/29/20 by brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ E e5-00  e5-00 #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 00:31:43PDT17-May-22 .delayUntil "00:31:43.00PDT17-May-22" @PDT1652772703.00 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #"nadia"\Session Begun #"birch"\Session Begun #"brent"-> hidelog #-> showlog #-> showlog -40 #"birch"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> clients #"birch"\Session Begun #"brent"-> #chat #"billbob"\Session Begun #"birch"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> loop {delay 2} .delay 2 seconds #"nadia"-> clients #-> esp[brent].interupt !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time '~: mesgu:NameError::message*undefined method `[]' for :esp:Symbol: name:[]: args[:\ brent:bt["!nadia:2:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP["brent"].interrupt !"brent"o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time '~: mesg"User Abort from nadia!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"!nadia:3:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP["nadia"].puts "hello" #"tina"\Session Begun #-> clients #"brent"-> ESP.main #-> ESP.main.exitt !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time '~: mesgu:NameError::messageMundefined method `exitt' for #: name:\ exitt: args[:bt["!brent:9:in `topLevelBinding'" exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended #"otto"\Session Begun #-> clients #\Session Ended #"billbob"-> quit #\Session Ended #"otto"\Session Begun #-> ESP.configure .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON #"otto#2"\Session Begun #-> 10*1023 #\Session Ended #"nadia"-> exit #\Session Ended +149 S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ C'% S)&\ h %] ."otto"\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %] ."otto"\PS.configure :default S)% P%#A d`xb h %] ."otto"\SS.configure :default C'& S)#.0X ESP.ready! C'% h %p] ."rdySampler"Intake.select :close P%% M&% ."rdySampler"\Exhaust.select :close h %q] ."rdySampler"\CTV.dial :air ."rdyProcessing"\PSV.dial :air h %] C'  P%  M&% h %] ."espclient"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.home.seek :retract M&#@2^d^b &' +60 h ' ."closeHand"Hand.close ."espclient"\Elbow.jog -9000 M&/ &* +15 h ."rdySampler"\CSV.dial :waste1 C' +75 h  ."rdyProcessing"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.home.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %' h * ."espclient"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose .\Elbow.home.seek :clear M&$ &.,(#b &( +38 h ."rdySampler"\SSV.dial :spit,avoiding: :exhaust S) h  S) h  S)  h ."readyCS"\CS.reconfigure :fast ."rdySampler"\SS.reconfigure :default ."readyCS"\CS.home.seek 0ml C'#d @b ."rdySampler"\SS.home.seek 0ml S)#.0X exit #\Session Ended +300 #"brent"\Session Begun #-> ESP.configure S) ); h  C' '< h  P% %= h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'>% h %L] ."brent"\CS.reconfigure :default .\CS.hold C'#P d@b '?+ +7 h + ."brent"\CS.configure :default P%@% C'#P d@b h %] ."brent"\PS.configure :default S)A% P%#A d`xb h %D] ."brent"\SS.hold S)B+ +6 h + ."brent"\SS.configure :default C'C& S)#.0X ESP.ready! C'Q% h %p] P%R% h %q] M&S% S)T% h %] %] M&U& h &8] A(V& h &,J] A(W% h %8] C'X& h &1 ] P%Y& h &1}] C'Z h  P%[ h  P%\\ h  P%] h  C'^% h %p] P%_% h %q] S)`% h %] C'a& h &1 ] P%b& h &1}] M&c% h %] M&d& h &8] A(e& h &,J] A(f% h %8] C'g9 h 9 P%h9 h 9 #"brent"\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> showlog 0;ESP.ready! C'i% h %p] P%k% S)j% M&l% h %q] %] %] M&m& h &8] A(n& h &,J] A(o% h %8] C'p& h &1 ] P%q& h &1}] C'r h  P%s h  P%t h  P%u h  C'v% h %p] P%w% h %q] S)x% h %] C'y& h &1 ] P%z& h &1}] M&{% h %] M&|& h &8] A(}& h &,J] A(~% h %8] C'9 h 9 P%9 h 9 #"brent"\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> showlog 0;ESP.configure S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'% h %p] ."brent"\CS.hold C'+ +7 h + ."brent"\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %q] ."brent"\PS.configure :default P%#A d`xb S)% h %] ."brent"\SS.hold S) + +6 h + ."brent"\SS.configure :default C'\ & S)#.0X ESP::Name #-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> ESP::Mode #-> ESP.ready! C'% P%% M& % h %q] %p] %] M&& S)%% h &8] %] A('& h &,J] A((% h %8] C')& h &1 ] P%& h &1}] C' h  P%# h  P%, h  P%- h  C'.% h %p] P%/% h %q] S)0% h %] C'1& h &1 ] P%2& h &1}] M&3% h %] M&4& h &8] A(5& h &,J] A(6% h %8] C'79 h 9 P%89 h 9 #"brent"-> log "test" #\test #-> PS.empty .\PS.seek 0ml P%9' +1360 h ' P%:% h %] #"brent"-> start(:myShortDA) {shortDA} C'% h %p] P%;% ."emptyCS"\CSV.dial :waste2 h %] C'< #"brent"-> Thread.time #-> Thread.unsync +113 h ."emptyCS"\CS.seek 0ml C'='L +1350 h ' #"myShortDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myShortDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:myShortDA].answer #"myShortDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds +1000 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%> +38 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%@  +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%A  +150 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %C'^ +2300 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%E  C'G  +76 h +75 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%I' +1278 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%K @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %M' +591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%O +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%j +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%P'Q +1103 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' +1616 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%+' +2638 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%* +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%&'Q +1104 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%$' +1616 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%" +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%!  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%Q' +2638 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%R +112 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%S' +2638 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%T +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%U' +2638 h ' #"myShortDA"Loading da puck from tube 3 into Processing Clamp P%V& h &1}] !"myShortDA"o:Puck::Warning: mesg"BRetaining claim on Arm because Hand is likely holding a puck!:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:272:in `giveup!'"4/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:401:in `load'"8/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:966:in `loadPuck'";/home/esp/esp2/protocol/2G/DAprocess.rb:281:in `runDA'"6/home/esp/esp2/protocol/2G/DA.rb:124:in `shortDA'"!brent:5:in `topLevelBinding'"./home/esp/esp2/lib/base.rb:280:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 !o:Slide::Error\ :@axisName"Processing Clamp:@timestampu: Time 'g: @reply0: mesg"Processing Clamp not Open:bt["4/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:360:in `load'"4/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:358:in `loop'"4/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:358:in `load'"8/home/esp/esp2/utils/puckmoves.rb:966:in `loadPuck'";/home/esp/esp2/protocol/2G/DAprocess.rb:281:in `runDA'"6/home/esp/esp2/protocol/2G/DA.rb:124:in `shortDA'"!brent:5:in `topLevelBinding'"./home/esp/esp2/lib/base.rb:280:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:481:in `initialize'"0/home/esp/esp2/lib/thread.rb:738:in `start'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:474:in `initialize'"'/home/esp/esp2/lib/schedule.rb:472 .BadNews.suppressMail "Processing Clamp not Open",Subject: "Slide::Error in myShortDA" #Waiting to Resume from Checkpoint "Loading da puck from tube 3 into Processing Clamp" #"brent"-> MainThread.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended @1653000341.52PDT @1653000550.11PDT = =Ccollection =msimfastScheduler =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =tsimfast =Mmanipulator =FMFB =ECan @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 11/9/21 brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ Em 7/ m 7/ #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> pucks 2=>17 #-> startTube 2 #-> ESP.ready! +249 .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON +149 S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'% h %] ."brent"\CS.configure :default C'#P d@b P%% h %] ."brent"\PS.configure :default S)% P%#A d`xb h %] ."brent"\SS.configure :default C'& S)#.0X start(:myShortDA) {shortDA} C';% P%<% h %ѝ] %] #"myShortDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myShortDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:myShortDA].answer #"myShortDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds #"brent"-> delay 100 .delay 1:40 +1000 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%= +38 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%>  +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%?  +150 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %@']4 +2263 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV P%A  ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV C'B  +76 h +75 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%C' +1256 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%D @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %E' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%F +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%j +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%G'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%H' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%I +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%J' +1414 #"brent"-> Thread.unsync +1184 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%K +112 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%L'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%M' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%N +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%O  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%P' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%Q +113 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%R' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%S +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%T' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%U& h &p] ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&V1 +150 h 1 M&W% h % ] A(X% h %] A(Y. h ., ."myShortDA"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b (Z( +191 h ( ."myShortDA"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b ([& h & ] M&\\& h &u] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &](h +21 h ( M&^& h &h] A(_& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&`' +89 h ' A(a& h & ] ."myShortDA"\SE.seek 15.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(b'„ +153 h ' A(c& h & ] M&d& h &h] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek 2 M&e(h +7 h ( M&f& h &h] A(g& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&h'H +19 h ' ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &i/ +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&j& A(k' h &h] M&l% h %H] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&m' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek PC M&n( +64 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +174 h ( M&o& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &p& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &q' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\PC.seek :closed P%r(U +365 h ( ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&s1 +150 h 1 M&t% h %] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &u' +90 h ' #"myShortDA"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%v  %w9 h 9++d +100 P%x9 h 9D+d +100 P%y9 h 9]+d +100 P%z9 h 9u+ d +100 P%{9 h 9+d +100 P%|9 h 9+d +100 P%}9 h 9+d +100 P%~9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+ d +100 P%9 h 9+$d +100 P%9 h 9 +(d +100 P%9 h 98+,d +100 P%9 h 9P+0d +100 P%9 h 9h+4d ."myShortDA"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C P% pp_ ."myShortDA"delay 1:30 h 4 +9000 ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2ml P% 'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :puck P%\  +151 h  ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +151 h  P% % h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."myShortDA"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +76 h ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +37 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%% @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %'' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial CBV P%(  +38 h P%)% h %] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C'  +19 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :air P%#  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.9ml P%,'D\ +1256 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%- @ +76 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%.' +853 h ' #"myShortDA"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%/  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %0'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :PML P%1 +37 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :mixing P%2 @ +76 h @ ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%3  +24 h  P%4% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%5' +232 h ' ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%6 * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%7' +1941 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C'8& h &] M&9& h &] M&:% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &;(-k +114 h ( M&<& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :garage M&='Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&>/ +150 h / M&?& h &-k] M&B% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&A' +91 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &@( +264 h ( M&D& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &C& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &F'& +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :closed C'E(W +397 h ( C'G& h &W] ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&I1 +150 h 1 M&H% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &K' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%J +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%L' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%N  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%O' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%M +38 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%Q' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%P  C'S  +19 h +169 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%R +113 h ."myShortDA"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%U  +76 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%V' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%W  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%X' ` +2598 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%Y +37 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%[' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%\\  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%^' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%_ +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%"' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&a& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &c( +7 h ( M&d& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &f& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek CC M&g'& +89 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&$/ +150 h / ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :open C'&( +397 h ( M&!& h &] M&i% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&j' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &l(-k +264 h ( M&]& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &`& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &h'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&b1 +150 h 1 M&o% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &p' +91 h ' ."da"delayUntil "16:22:26.89" +25242 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P%e @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%k  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%m * +24 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%*  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %s' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%t +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%w  +37 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%x +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%y  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%q' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%z +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %{' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%|'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%}  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%~ +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%T +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%\ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%v'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb % ' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%(  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%)' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%'  +38 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +151 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%#  +37 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %-' +382 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%,  +37 h  P%/% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%.' +332 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%1  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%2'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%3 +38 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P%4 @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%6  +25 h  P%0% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%5' +232 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%8 * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%9' +1941 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +48000 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%:  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%< * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %n' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%> +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%?  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%B +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%u  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%=' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%D +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %C' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%;'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%A  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%+ +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%G  +25 h  P%I% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%H' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%J * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%F' +1590 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%7  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%N * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%L +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %M' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%O +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%S +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%P +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%R  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%U' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%Q +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %W' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%V'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%Y +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%X  +24 h  P%\\% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%[' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%_ * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%^' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%a  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%d * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%f +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %$' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%@ +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%K +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%E +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%!  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%i' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%g +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %]' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%`'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%c +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%b  +25 h  P%o% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%j' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%h * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%e' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%k  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%m * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%* +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %"' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%t +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%w +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%x +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%y  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%s' +1044 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%z +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %q'> +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%{' +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%}'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%~ +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%|' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%T +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%\ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +151 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb % 'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%v * +25 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' P%9 h 9+1X #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P% %& h 1X &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M&% h % ] A(% h %] A(%. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b (( +189 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b ((& h &] M& & h &-k] M&'% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &(m +166 h ( M&#& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &)' +90 h ' A(,& h &] ."da"\SE.seek :upperLimit A(/'A +270 h ' M&-& h &m] M&1% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &.' +90 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&3( +237 h ( M&4& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &6& h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&0' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&8/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%2(p +366 h ( A(5& h &] M&:& h &] M&<% h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &9(m +238 h ( M&>& h &m] A(?& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &B' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.open M&u1 +150 h 1 A(n- h -+A #"da"WARNING: Will not reach camera seal! .\SE.seek :upperLimit A(D'A +7 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek :upperLimit A(#QK-0-\ b (='A +6 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da69dec3116h.tif P%C& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M&A& h &m] M&+% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &G' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&I(-k +166 h ( M&;& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &J& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&H'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&7/ +150 h / M&N& h &-k] M&L% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&F' +91 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &O( +114 h ( M&S& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &P& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &R' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P%M(U +366 h ( P%Q& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&U1 +150 h 1 M&W% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &Y' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%X +37 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%\\' +584 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%V' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%_ @ +226 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%[  +150 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%a +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%d'ҫ +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%f +113 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%^' +584 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%@' ` +1977 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3116h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +117 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%K  +24 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P%E @ +76 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%! +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%$'ҫ +2070 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3116h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +527 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%g +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%i'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%]' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%c +76 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%b  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%o' +518 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da69dec3116h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2079 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%` +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%h' +584 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%j' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%k +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%m U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%*' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%e @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%t' ` +394 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da69dec3116h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(w- h -+A A(x& h &] M&y& h &] M&"% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &z(m +238 h ( M&s& h &m] A(q& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &{' +90 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek -0.61 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (~' +41 h ' M&& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &}' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&, +6 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\SE.reconfigure :default M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.seek -0.42 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (|'S +23 h ' M&% h %] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&T'I +20 h ' M&& h &m] A(\ & h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b & ' +19 h ' A( % h %S] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A( ' +100 (% h %] M&% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &' +90 h ' +75 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 (& h &] +1479 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%v' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%%'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%(' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%'  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%Z' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%# +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%,' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%l +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%p U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%-' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%1 @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%)' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%4  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%6' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%8' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%. +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%r' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%5 @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%:' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%<  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%0' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&>& h &m] M&?% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&3( +238 h ( M&u& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &n& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&C' +89 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&A/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P%+(p +366 h ( M&& h &] M&;% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&J' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &/(-k +114 h ( M&D& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &B& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &9'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&71 +150 h 1 M&N% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &L' +91 h ' #"myShortDA"\Finished short da assay +337037 #"brent2"\Session Begun #-> clients #-> MainThread.exit #m\EXIT #"brent2"\Session Ended #"brent"\Session Ended @1653014934.10PDT @1653014953.31PDT = =msimfastScheduler =Ccollection =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =tsimfast =Mmanipulator =FMFB =ECan @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 11/9/21 brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ Em 7/ m 7/ #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 18:05:14PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "18:05:14.00" +751399 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> showlog 40 #-> ESP #-> ESP.ready! .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON +149 S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'% h %] ."brent"\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %] ."brent"\PS.configure :default P%#A d`xb S)% h %] ."brent"\SS.configure :default C'& S)#.0X ESP::Name #-> pucks #-> startTube 2 #-> start(:shortstuff) {shortDA} C';% h %ѝ] P%<% h %] #"shortstuff"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:shortstuff].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:shortstuff] #-> Thread[:shortstuff].details #-> Thread[:shortstuff].answer 'no' #"shortstuff"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "no" #Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:shortstuff].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread.unsync +300 #-> delay 20 .delay 20 seconds !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time ": mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP.main.exit #m\EXIT #"brent"\Session Ended @1653015224.92PDT @1653015269.97PDT = =Mmanipulator =msimfastScheduler =FMFB =ECan =Ccollection =Pprocessing =hcore =Ssampler =Astorage =tsimfast @PST0.00 #t\Simulated gateway v3.24 for core bus #\Configuration for brent 11/9/21 brent@mbari.org\ /home/esp/esp2/type/shallow/brent/configure.rb\ Em 7/ m 7/ #t\Polling Can every 10:00 #\Cleanly exited at 18:05:33PST31-Dec-69 .delayUntil "18:05:33.00" +753299 #Waiting for espclients... #"brent"\Session Begun #-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds +999 #-> ESP.ready! .Gate.power :core,:ON .Gate.power :raw,:ON +149 S) ) h  C' ' h  P% % h  C' 9\ ' 0\ ' -\ P% 9\ % 2\ % *\ % 0\ S)&\ C'% h %] ."brent"\CS.configure :default P%% C'#P d@b h %] ."brent"\PS.configure :default S)% h %] ."brent"\SS.configure :default P%#A d`xb C'& S)#.0X startTube #-> startDA #-> shortDA C';% P%<% h %ѝ] %] #"brent"Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "" #Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "" #Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "" #Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "" #Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "" #Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " !o:UserAbort:@timestampu: Time "Զ: mesg"User Abort!!:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" shortDA C'=% P%>% h %ѝ] %] #"brent"Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "" #Waiting for brent to answer "Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? " #\Answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds +1000 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%? +38 h ."brent"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%@  +113 h ."brent"\PRV.dial :sipper P%A  +150 h  ."brent"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %B']4 +2263 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."brent"\CBV.dial PRV P%C  C'D  +76 h +75 ."brent"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%E' +1256 h ' ."brent"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%F @ +113 h @ ."brent"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %G' +585 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial PSR P%H +113 h #"brent"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%j +6 ."brent"\PS.seek 1ml P%I'P +1088 h ' ."brent"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."brent"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%J' ` +1591 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%K +113 h ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%L' +2598 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial PSR P%M +112 h #"brent"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."brent"\PS.seek 1ml P%N'P +1088 h ' ."brent"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."brent"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%O' ` +1591 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%P +113 h ."brent"\PRV.dial :sipper P%Q  +38 h  ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%R' +2597 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial PSR P%S +113 h ."brent"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%T' ` +2597 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%U +113 h ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%V' +2597 h ' #"brent"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%W& h &p] ."brent"Hand.open M&X1 +150 h 1 M&Y% h % ] A(Z% h %] A([. h ., ."brent"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b (\\( +191 h ( ."brent"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (]& h & ] M&^& h &u] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &_(h +21 h ( M&`& h &h] A(a& h & ] ."brent"\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&b' +89 h ' A(c& h & ] ."brent"\SE.seek 14.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(d' +161 h ' A(e& h & ] M&f& h &h] ."brent"\Elbow.seek 2 M&g(h +7 h ( M&h& h &h] A(i& h & ] ."brent"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&j'H +19 h ' ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &k/ +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&l& A(m' h &h] M&n% h %H] ."brent"\Forearm.seek :retract M&o' +89 h ' ."brent"\Elbow.seek PC M&p( +72 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +166 h ( M&q& h &] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &r& h &] ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &s' +89 h ' ."brent"\PC.seek :closed P%t(U +366 h ( ."brent"Hand.open M&u1 +150 h 1 M&v% h %] ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &w' +90 h ' #"brent"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%x  %y9 h 9++d +100 P%z9 h 9D+d +100 P%{9 h 9]+d +100 P%|9 h 9u+ d +100 P%}9 h 9+d +100 P%~9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+ d +100 P%9 h 9+$d +100 P%9 h 9 +(d +100 P%9 h 98+,d +100 P%9 h 9P+0d +100 P%9 h 9h+4d ."brent"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C P% pp_ h 4 ."brent"delay 1:30 +9000 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"brent"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."brent"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%\ ' +585 h ' ."brent"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."brent"\PS.seek 2ml P% 'u +1591 h ' ."brent"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +151 h  ."brent"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."brent"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +150 h  P%% h %u] ."brent"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."brent"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."brent"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +24 h  ."brent"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."brent"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."brent"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."brent"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."brent"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."brent"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +76 h  ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' ."brent"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%%  +150 h ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%' +38 h ."brent"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%( @ +113 h @ ."brent"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %)' +350 h ' ."brent"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."brent"\PRV.dial CBV P%  +38 h P%% h %] ."brent"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#' +350 h ' ."brent"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C',  +19 h ."brent"\PRV.dial :air P%-  +38 h  ."brent"\PS.seek 0.9ml P%.'D\ +1256 h ' ."brent"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%/ @ +76 h @ ."brent"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%0' +853 h ' #"brent"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%1  +38 h  ."brent"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %2'u +1591 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :PML P%3 +37 h ."brent"\PTV.dial :mixing P%4 @ +75 h @ ."brent"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%5  +25 h  P%6% h %u] ."brent"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%7' +232 h ' ."brent"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%8 * +24 h * ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%9' +1941 h ' ."brent"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C':& h &] M&<& h &] M&;% h % ] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &=(-k +115 h ( M&>& h &-k] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."brent"\Forearm.seek :garage M&?'Z +91 h ' ."brent"Hand.close M&@/ +150 h / M&A& h &-k] M&D% h %Z] ."brent"\Forearm.seek :retract M&C' +91 h ' ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &B( +264 h ( M&F& h &] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &E& h &] ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &H'& +89 h ' ."brent"\CC.seek :closed C'G(W +398 h ( C'I& h &W] ."brent"Hand.open M&K1 +150 h 1 M&J% h %&] ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &M' +89 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial PSR P%L +113 h #"brent"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."brent"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%N' +1591 h ' ."brent"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%P  +38 h  ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%Q' +1591 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial PSR P%O +37 h ."brent"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."brent"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%S' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."brent"\CBV.dial PRV P%R  C'U  +19 h +169 ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%T +113 h ."brent"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%W  +75 h ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%X' +2598 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :air P%Y  +37 h  ."brent"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%Z' ` +2597 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%[ +38 h ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%]' +2597 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :air P%^  +38 h  ."brent"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%`' ` +2597 h ' ."brent"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%a +38 h ."brent"\PS.seek 0ml P%"' +2597 h ' #"brent"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&c& h &] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &e( +6 h ( M&f& h &] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &h& h &] ."brent"\Forearm.seek CC M&i'& +90 h ' ."brent"Hand.close M&$/ +150 h / ."brent"\CC.seek :open C'&( +397 h ( M&!& h &] M&k% h %&] ."brent"\Forearm.seek :retract M&l' +89 h ' ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &n(-k +265 h ( M&_& h &-k] ."brent"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &b& h &-k] ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &j'Z +91 h ' ."brent"Hand.open M&d1 +150 h 1 M&q% h %Z] ."brent"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &r' +91 h ' ."da"delayUntil "18:28:07.46" +25241 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P%g @ +76 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%m  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%o * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%*  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %u' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%v +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%y  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%z +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%{  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%s' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%| +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %}' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%~'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +76 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%V +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %\ ' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%x'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %%' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%' +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%( +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%)  +38 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%,  +150 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%-  +38 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%# +38 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %/' +381 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%.  +38 h  P%1% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%0' +332 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%3  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%4'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%5 +38 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P%6 @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%8  +25 h  P%2% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%7' +231 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%: * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%<' +1941 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +48000 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%;  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%> * +24 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %p' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%@ +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%A  +37 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%D +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%w  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%?' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%F +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %E' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%='u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%C  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%+ +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%I  +25 h  P%K% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%J' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%L * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%H' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%9  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%P * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%N +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %O' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%Q +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%U +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%R +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%T  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%W' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%S +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %Y' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%X'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%[ +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%Z  +24 h  P%^% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%]' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%a * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%`' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%c  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%f * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%h +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %$' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%B +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%M +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%G +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%!  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%k' +1045 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%i +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %_' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%b'u +1590 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%e +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%d  +24 h  P%q% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%l' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%j * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%g' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%m  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%o * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%* +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %"' ` +1045 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%v +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%y +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%z +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%{  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%u' +1044 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%| +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %s'> +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%}' +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%~' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%V +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%\ ' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +150 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb % 'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +24 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%x * +25 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' P%9 h 9+1X #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P% %& h 1X &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M&% h % ] A('% h %] A((. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b (( +189 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (& h &] M&%& h &-k] M&)% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &,(m +166 h ( M&-& h &m] A(#& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' A(.& h &] ."da"\SE.seek -0.24 Pucks below Top Plate A(1' +263 h ' M&/& h &m] A(3& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &0' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&5, +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight M&$&.,(\ #b A(6- h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 0.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(8'. +25 h ' M&2% h %] A(:& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&4'I +21 h ' M&7& h &m] A(;& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &>' +19 h ' ."da"\SE.seek 1.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(' +32 h ' M&<& h &m] M&@% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &A' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&D( +238 h ( M&w& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &p& h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&F' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&?/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%E(p +366 h ( A(C& h &] M&+& h &] M&I% h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&K' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &=(m +238 h ( M&L& h &m] A(J& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &9' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.open M&P1 +150 h 1 A(N- h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 0.77 Pucks below Top Plate A(H'c +25 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek -0.22 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (Q' +46 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da69dec3119h.tif P%U& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M&R& h &m] M&T% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &O' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&S(-k +166 h ( M&W& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &Y& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&['Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&Z/ +150 h / M&^& h &-k] M&X% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&a' +91 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &]( +114 h ( M&c& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &f& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &h' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P%`(U +365 h ( P%B& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&M1 +150 h 1 M&G% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &!' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%$ +37 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%i' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%k' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%_ @ +226 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%e  +150 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%d +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%q'ҫ +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%b +112 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%j' +584 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%l' ` +1978 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3119h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +116 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%m  +25 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P%o @ +75 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%* +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%g'ҫ +2071 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3119h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +526 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%v +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%y'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%z' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%{ +76 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%"  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%|' +519 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da69dec3119h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2078 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%u +76 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%s' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%}' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P% U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +395 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da69dec3119h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(~- h -+ A(& h &] M& & h &] M&V% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &(m +237 h ( M& & h &m] A( & h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +90 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek 0.49 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b ('t +41 h ' M&& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &\ ' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&, +6 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\SE.reconfigure :default M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.seek 0.68 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (' +23 h ' M&% h %] A( & h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&x'I +20 h ' M&& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +19 h ' A( % h %] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A(' +100 (% h %{] M&'% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &(' +90 h ' +67 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 (& h &] +1487 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%%  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%)' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%\\ +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%-' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%# +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%.' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%n @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%r' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%/  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%3' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%6 +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%2'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%:' ` +1590 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%7 +76 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%;  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%<' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%@ +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%,' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%1 +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%0 U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%4' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%8 @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%>' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%w  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%p' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%5 +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%?' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%A +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%t' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%C @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%+' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%I  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%F' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&L& h &m] M&J% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&D( +238 h ( M&P& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &N& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&K' +89 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&U/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P%R(p +366 h ( M&T& h &] M&% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&H' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &W(-k +114 h ( M&Y& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &9& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &='Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&Z1 +150 h 1 M&^% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &X' +91 h ' #"brent"\Finished short da assay #-> exit #\Session Ended +336862 #\Session Begun #-> startTube #-> ESP.ready! C'O% h %ѝ] P%c% S)f% M&[% h %] %D] % ] M&S& h &-k] A(a& h &] A(E% h %] C'B& h &] P%M& h &p] C'G% h %ѝ] P%$% h %] S)h% h %D] C'& h &] P%i& h &p] M&_% h % ] M&e& h &-k] A(d& h &] A(k% h %] C'b9 h 9 P%q9 h 9++ #"brent"-> start(:myDA) {shortDA} C'j% P%m% h %ѝ] %] #"myDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:myDA].answer #"myDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds #"brent"-> Thread.unsync +1000 ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%o +150 h ."myDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%*  +151 h ."myDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%l  +37 h  ."myDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %v']4 +2263 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."myDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%g  +151 h ."myDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%y' +1256 h ' ."myDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%{ @ +113 h @ ."myDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %"' +585 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%z +113 h #"myDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%u'P +1088 h ' ."myDA"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."myDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%|' ` +1590 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%s +113 h ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2598 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%}'P +1088 h ' ."myDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +1591 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%~  +38 h  ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h ."myDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%V' ` +2597 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' #"myDA"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%]& h &p] M&% h % ] A(% h %] A(. h ., ."myDA"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b ( ( +189 h ( ."myDA"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (& h & ] M&& h &-k] M& % h % ] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &!(h +166 h ( M&& h &h] A('& h & ] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &Q' +90 h ' A(& h & ] ."myDA"\SE.seek 13.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(' +167 h ' A(& h & ] M&& h &h] ."myDA"\Elbow.seek 2 M&\ (h +7 h ( M&x& h &h] A(& h & ] ."myDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&'H +19 h ' ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &/ +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&%& A(' h &h] M&\\% h %H] ."myDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&)' +89 h ' ."myDA"\Elbow.seek PC M&#( +78 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +160 h ( M&-& h &] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &n& h &] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &.' +89 h ' ."myDA"\PC.seek :closed P%/(U +366 h ( ."myDA"Hand.open M&r1 +150 h 1 M&6% h %] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &3' +90 h ' #"myDA"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%2  %79 h 9++d +100 P%;9 h 9D+d +100 P%:9 h 9]+d +100 P%@9 h 9u+ d +100 P%<9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%19 h 9+d +100 P%09 h 9+d +100 P%,9 h 9+ d +100 P%89 h 9+$d +100 P%49 h 9 +(d +100 P%w9 h 98+,d +100 P%>9 h 9P+0d +100 P%59 h 9h+4d ."myDA"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C .delay 1:30 P%p pp_ h 4 +9000 ."myDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%A +113 h #"myDA"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."myDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%?' +585 h ' ."myDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myDA"\PS.seek 2ml P%C'u +1591 h ' ."myDA"\PTV.dial :puck P%t  +151 h  ."myDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%I +75 h ."myDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%+  +50 h  P%L% h %u] ."myDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%J' +585 h ' ."myDA"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%P * +24 h * ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%N' +1591 h ' ."myDA"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."myDA"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%U * +25 h * ."myDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%( +75 h ."myDA"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %`' ` +1044 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%T +75 h ."myDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +76 h ."myDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%Y +75 h ."myDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%9  +75 h  ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%K' +1044 h ' ."myDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%D  +151 h ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%Z +37 h ."myDA"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%^ @ +113 h @ ."myDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %H' +351 h ' ."myDA"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."myDA"\PRV.dial CBV P%=  +37 h P%% h %] ."myDA"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%O' +351 h ' ."myDA"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C'c  +18 h ."myDA"\PRV.dial :air P%f  +38 h  ."myDA"\PS.seek 0.9ml P%['D\ +1257 h ' ."myDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%S @ +75 h @ ."myDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%a' +853 h ' #"myDA"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%E  +38 h  ."myDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %B'u +1591 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :PML P%M +38 h ."myDA"\PTV.dial :mixing P%G @ +75 h @ ."myDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%$  +25 h  P%h% h %u] ."myDA"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%' +231 h ' ."myDA"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%i * +25 h * ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%_' +1941 h ' ."myDA"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C'e& h &] M&d& h &] M&k% h % ] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &b(-k +114 h ( M&q& h &-k] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &j& h &-k] ."myDA"\Forearm.seek :garage M&m'Z +91 h ' ."myDA"Hand.close M&o/ +150 h / M&*& h &-k] M&l% h %Z] ."myDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&F' +91 h ' ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &g( +264 h ( M&v& h &] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &{& h &] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &y'& +90 h ' ."myDA"\CC.seek :closed C'z(W +397 h ( C'"& h &W] ."myDA"Hand.open M&u1 +150 h 1 M&s% h %&] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &|' +89 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myDA"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."myDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +1591 h ' ."myDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%}  +37 h  ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%~ +38 h ."myDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."myDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%  C'  +19 h +170 ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myDA"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%V  +75 h ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%]' +2597 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."myDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."myDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P% ' ` +2598 h ' ."myDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +37 h ."myDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' #"myDA"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&'& h &] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &( +7 h ( M&W& h &] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &] ."myDA"\Forearm.seek CC M&'& +89 h ' ."myDA"Hand.close M&x/ +150 h / ."myDA"\CC.seek :open C'( +398 h ( M&X& h &] M&% h %&] ."myDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&%' +89 h ' ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &\\(-k +264 h ( M&!& h &-k] ."myDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &Q& h &-k] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &'Z +91 h ' ."myDA"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&-% h %Z] ."myDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &n' +91 h ' ."da"delayUntil "20:33:02.49" +25242 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P%\ @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%) * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%R  +37 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %r' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%6 +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%7  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%; +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%:  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%.' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%@ +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %<' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%1  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%0 +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%,  +25 h  P%8% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%4' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%w * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%>' +1590 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%5  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%A * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %?' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%t +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%I +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%+ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%L  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%C' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%P +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %J' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%2'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%U  +24 h  P%(% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%N' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%T * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%Y  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%9 * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%` +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %D' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%Z +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%^ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%K +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%=  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%H  +37 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%c  +151 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%f  +38 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%O +37 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %S' +382 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%[  +37 h  P%E% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%a' +332 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%M  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%G'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%$ +37 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P%h @ +76 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%i  +24 h  P%B% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%' +232 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%e * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%d' +1940 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +48000 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%k  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%q * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%j  +37 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %#' ` +1045 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%o +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%*  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%l +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%3  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%m' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%v +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %{' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%b'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%F  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%& +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%"  +24 h  P%u% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%s' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%y' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%_  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%} * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %~' ` +1045 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%V' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%]'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%'  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%W * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %x' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%g +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%| +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%z +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%X  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %!' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%Q'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%-% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%\ ' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%) * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%R +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%6 +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%7 +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%; +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%:  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%r' +1044 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%@ +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %.'> +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%<' +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%1'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%0 +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%,  +25 h  P%8% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%w * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%4' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%5  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%A * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %>' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%t +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%I +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%+ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%L  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%?' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%P +151 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %C'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%J +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%U% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%(' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%2 * +24 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%T  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%N' +1591 h ' P%Y9 h 9+1T #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P%9 %`& h 1T &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M&% h % ] A(Z% h %] A(^. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b (K( +190 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (=& h &] M&D& h &-k] M&H% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &c(m +166 h ( M&f& h &m] A(O& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' A([& h &] ."da"\SE.seek 0.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(E'] +256 h ' M&S& h &m] A(M& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &a' +23 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&$, +6 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight A(h- M&$&.,(\ #b h -+] ."da"\SE.seek 1.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(i' +26 h ' M&B% h %] A(e& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&G'I +20 h ' M&& h &m] A(k& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &q' +19 h ' ."da"\SE.seek 2.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(j' +32 h ' M&d& h &m] M&o% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &*' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&l( +238 h ( M&3& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &#& h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&v' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&m/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%{(p +366 h ( A(F& h &] M&&& h &] M&"% h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&u' +90 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &b(m +237 h ( M&& h &m] A(s& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &_' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.open M&}1 +150 h 1 A(- h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 1.77 Pucks below Top Plate A(y' +25 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek 0.78 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b ('m +46 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da69dec3121h.tif P%& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M& & h &m] M& % h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &~' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&(-k +166 h ( M&V& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&/ +150 h / M&& h &-k] M&]% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +91 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &( +114 h ( M&'& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &W& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P% (U +366 h ( P%g& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&|1 +150 h 1 M&z% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &X' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%x +38 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%! @ +226 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +151 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%-'ҫ +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%Q +113 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%%' ` +1978 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3121h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +116 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P%) @ +75 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%R +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%\ 'ҫ +2071 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3121h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +526 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%6 +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%7'P +1087 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%;' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%: +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%@' +519 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da69dec3121h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2078 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%r +76 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%.' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%<' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%0 +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%, U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%8' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%1 @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%w' ` +395 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da69dec3121h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(- h -+m A(5& h &] M&A& h &] M& % h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &4(m +238 h ( M&t& h &m] A(I& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &+' +89 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek 1.49 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (L' +41 h ' M&>& h &m] A(P& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &?' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&J, +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.reconfigure :default .\SE.seek 1.68 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (' +22 h ' M&U% h %] A(C& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&2'I +20 h ' M&T& h &m] A((& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &Y' +20 h ' A(9% h %] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A(`' +100 (% h %] M&Z% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &^' +89 h ' +61 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 (=& h &] +1493 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%D  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%H' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%f' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%O +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%[' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%\\ @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%n' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%S  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%M' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%h +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%B'P +1087 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%e' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%k  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%d' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%o +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%c' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%E +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%a U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%G' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%i @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%q' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%3  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%#' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%$ +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%m' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%* +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%/' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%F @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%&' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%"  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%v' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&& h &m] M&s% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&l( +238 h ( M&}& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&u' +90 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P% (p +365 h ( M& & h &] M&j% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&y' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &V(-k +114 h ( M&& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &_& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &b'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &]' +91 h ' #"myDA"\Finished short da assay +336969 #"brent"\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> Thread.detial !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time &2?: mesg"/undefined method `detial' for Thread:Class: name0: args0:bt[";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:51:in `method_missing'"!brent:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.details #-> Thread.first.details #-> Thread.first.portray #-> Thread.last.portray !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time &2?: mesg"-undefined method `last' for Thread:Class: name0: args0:bt[";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:51:in `method_missing'"!brent:5:in `topLevelBinding'" threads.first.portray #-> threads #-> Thread[:core].portray #-> Thread[:core].asIRBtext #-> Thread[:core].details #-> Thread[:core].details.portray #-> Thread[:core].details.method :portray #-> _.source !o:ArgumentError:@timestampu: Time &2?: mesg"native Method:bt["E/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/sourceref.rb:216:in `__file__'"C/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/sourceref.rb:216:in `source'""brent:13:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread[:core].details.method :asIRBtext #-> _.source !o:ArgumentError:@timestampu: Time &2?: mesg"native Method:bt["E/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/sourceref.rb:216:in `__file__'"C/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/sourceref.rb:216:in `source'""brent:15:in `topLevelBinding'" clients #-> Thread["brent"].exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> client #-> threads #-> Thread(:test) {delay 3} ."test"delay 3 seconds #"brent"-> threads #-> threads #-> delay 2 .delay 2 seconds +200 #-> delay 1 .delay 1 second +100 #-> threads #-> delay .01 .delay .01 seconds + #-> threads #-> exit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> Thread.unsync #-> start(:myShortDA) {shortDA} C'~% P%'% h %] %ѝ] #"myShortDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myShortDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:myShortDA].answer #"myShortDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds +1000 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%W +150 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %']4 +2262 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%{  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%g' +1256 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%| @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %z' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%x +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%N' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +112 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%!' +2598 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%Q +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%-  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%)' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%R +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%%' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%6& h &p] M&\ % h % ] A(7% h %] A(:. h ., ."myShortDA"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b (( +189 h ( ."myShortDA"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (;& h & ] M&r& h &-k] M&@% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &.(h +166 h ( M&0& h &h] A(,& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &<' +90 h ' A(1& h & ] ."myShortDA"\SE.seek 12.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(8'I +173 h ' A(& h & ] M&5& h &h] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek 2 M&A(h +7 h ( M& & h &h] A(t& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&I'H +19 h ' ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &/ +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&>& A(P' h &h] M&U% h %H] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&C' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek PC M&T( +85 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +153 h ( M&(& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &9& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &X' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\PC.seek :closed P%(U +366 h ( ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&Z1 +150 h 1 M&% h %] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &+' +89 h ' #"myShortDA"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%4  %L9 h 9++d +100 P%=9 h 9D+d +100 P%?9 h 9]+d +100 P%29 h 9u+ d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%Y9 h 9+d +100 P%`9 h 9+d +100 P%D9 h 9+d +100 P%w9 h 9+ d +100 P% 9 h 9+$d +100 P%H9 h 9 +(d +100 P%O9 h 98+,d +100 P%f9 h 9P+0d +100 P%\\9 h 9h+4d ."myShortDA"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C .delay 1:30 P%[ pp_ h 4 +9000 ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%S +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%n' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2ml P%h'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :puck P%M  +151 h  ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%B +75 h ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +50 h  P%k% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%e' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%o * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%d' +1590 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."myShortDA"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%E * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%a +75 h ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %c' ` +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%i +76 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%G +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%3 +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%q  +75 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%$' +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%#  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%* +38 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%m @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %F' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial CBV P%/  +38 h P%"% h %] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%&' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C'  +19 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :air P%s  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.9ml P%}'D\ +1257 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P% @ +75 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%J' +854 h ' #"myShortDA"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %^'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :PML P% +38 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :mixing P% @ +75 h @ ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%j  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%_' +231 h ' ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%u * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%l' +1941 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C'& h &] M&& h &] M&y% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &b(-k +115 h ( M&p& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &'& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :garage M&~'Z +90 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&W/ +150 h / M&& h &-k] M&% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&v' +91 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &{( +265 h ( M&& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &|& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &g'& +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :closed C'x(W +397 h ( C'z& h &W] ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &N' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%!' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%Q' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%- +37 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%  C'  +19 h +169 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%R +113 h ."myShortDA"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%)  +75 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%6' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%\  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%7' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%: +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%;' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%r  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%@' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%K +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%0' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&,& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &1( +6 h ( M&V& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek CC M&5'& +90 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M& / +150 h / ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :open C't( +397 h ( M&]& h &] M&% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&>' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &U(-k +265 h ( M&.& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &<& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &I'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&81 +150 h 1 M&(% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &9' +90 h ' ."da"delayUntil "22:38:01.59" +25242 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P%A @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%P  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%C * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %Z' ` +1045 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%L  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%= +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%?  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%X' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%2 +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%Y'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%`  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%D +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%w  +24 h  P% % h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%H' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%O * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%f' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%\\  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%S * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %n' ` +1045 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%M +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%B +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%k  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%h' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%o +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %e' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%4'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%E  +25 h  P%a% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%d' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%i * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%G' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%3  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%q * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%c +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %#' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%* +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%m +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%$ +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%/  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%"' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%F  +38 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +150 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%s  +38 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%& +38 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %' +381 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%}  +38 h  P%% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%J' +331 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P% 'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%j +38 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P% @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%u  +25 h  P%^% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%_' +231 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1941 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +48000 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%y  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%p * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%'  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %T' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%W +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%+  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%~' +1045 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %|' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%b'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%v  +76 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h #"brent"-> Thread.resync ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%z  #"brent"-> delay 20 .delay 20 seconds +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%g' +1066 #"brent"-> Thread.resync #-> Thread.unsync +525 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%l  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%! +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %-' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%Q +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%R  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%)' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %\ ' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%6'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%: +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%7  +25 h  P%r% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%;' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%K * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%@' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%,  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%V * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb % ' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%{ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%N +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%x +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%]  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%5 +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %.' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%<'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%1 +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%8  +24 h  P%(% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%>' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%I * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%A' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%P  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%C * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %0' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%L +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%= +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%?  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%Z' +1045 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%2 +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %X'> +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%`'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%D +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%w  +24 h  P% % h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%Y' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%O * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%H' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%\\  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%S * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %f' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%M +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%B +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%k  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%n' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%o +150 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %h'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%e +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +24 h  P%E% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%a' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%4 * +25 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%i  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%d' +1591 h ' P%39 h 9+1T #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P%q %c& h 1T &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M&G% h % ] A(*% h %] A(m. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b ($( +189 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (/& h &] M&#& h &-k] M&F% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &(m +166 h ( M&s& h &m] A(&& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &"' +89 h ' A(}& h &] ."da"\SE.seek 1.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(' +249 h ' M&& h &m] A( & h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &J' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&j, +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight A(- M&$&.,(\ #b h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 2.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(u' +25 h ' M&^% h %] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M& 'I +21 h ' M&_& h &m] A(y& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &p' +19 h ' ."da"\SE.seek 3.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(''i +31 h ' M&& h &m] M&W% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &' +90 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +237 h ( M&+& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &T& h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&~/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%|(p +366 h ( A(v& h &] M&& h &] M&z% h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &b(m +238 h ( M&& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &l' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 A(!- h -+i ."da"\SE.seek 2.77 Pucks below Top Plate A(g'5 +26 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek 1.78 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (Q' +45 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da69dec3123h.tif P%& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M&& h &m] M&R% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &-' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&(-k +166 h ( M&)& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &\ & h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&:'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&7/ +150 h / M&r& h &-k] M&6% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&K' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &;( +115 h ( M&,& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &V& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P%@(U +366 h ( P%{& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&N1 +150 h 1 M&x% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &]' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +37 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%5' +584 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%. @ +225 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%1  +151 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%8 +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%('ҫ +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%< +113 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%I' +584 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%>' ` +1977 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3123h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +117 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%P  +24 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P%C @ +76 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%A'ҫ +2070 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da69dec3123h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +527 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%L'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%=' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%? +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%0  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%2' +518 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da69dec3123h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2079 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%Z +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%X' +584 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%D +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%w U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%` @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%O' ` +394 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da69dec3123h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(Y- h -+ A(\\& h &] M&S& h &] M&%% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &H(m +238 h ( M&M& h &m] A(B& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek 2.49 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (k'F +41 h ' M&f& h &m] A(o& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &n' +23 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&e, +6 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\SE.reconfigure :default M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.seek 2.68 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (' +22 h ' M&E% h %] A(h& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&4'I +21 h ' M&i& h &m] A(a& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &3' +19 h ' A(q% h %] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A(c' +100 (G% h %M] M&*% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &m' +89 h ' +54 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 (/& h &] +1501 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%#  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%F' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%s' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%& +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%}' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%U @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%9' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%^'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%_ +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%y  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%W +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%"' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%J U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%u @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%p' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%+  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%T' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%j +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%~' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%v @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%z  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&& h &m] M&% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +238 h ( M&& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &!& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&' +89 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P%(p +366 h ( M&R& h &] M&'% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&g' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &)(-k +115 h ( M&\ & h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &l& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &b'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&71 +150 h 1 M&r% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &6' +91 h ' #"myShortDA"\Finished short da assay @PST30050.23 #"brent"-> Thread.time #-> Thread.time #-> Thread.unsync #-> Thread.unsync #-> Thread.time #-> Thread.time #-> Thread.time #-> delay 2 .delay 2 seconds !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time (ɕ#S: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.time #-> Thread.sync !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time (ɕ#S: mesg"-undefined method `sync' for Thread:Class: name0: args0:bt[";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:51:in `method_missing'""brent:17:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.resync #-> delay 2 .delay 2 seconds +200 #-> Thread.unsync #-> delay 2 .delay 2 seconds #"brent#2"\Session Begun #-> delay 3 .delay 3 seconds +300 #"brent"-> Thread.resync #"brent#2"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds +1000 #"brent#2"\Session Begun #"brent"-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds #"brent#2"-> delay 20 .delay 20 seconds +1000 #"brent"-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds +1000 #-> delay .1 .delay .1 seconds !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time (ɕU: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.unsync #-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds #"brent#2"-> exit #\Session Ended +1000 #"brent"-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds #"brent#2"\Session Begun !"brent"o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time (ɕ3V: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.resync #-> Thread.unsync #"brent#2"-> Thread.unsync #-> delay 3 .delay 3 seconds #"brent"-> delay 30 .delay 30 seconds !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time (ɕ3V: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'"*brent aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.unsync #"brent#2"-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds !o:UserAbort :@timestampu: Time (ɕcV: mesg"User Abort!!:@checkpoint: omitted:bt["7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:294:in `interrupt'"7/home/esp/esp2/lib/cmdserver.rb:405:in `interrupt'",brent#2 aborter-:1:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread.resync #-> delay 10 .delay 10 seconds +1000 #-> delay 33 .delay 33 seconds +3300 #"brent"-> Thread(:test){delay 3} ."test"delay 3 seconds #"brent"-> threads #"brent#2"-> delay 4 .delay 4 seconds +400 #"brent"-> threads #"brent#2"-> Thread(:test){delay 3} ."test"delay 3 seconds #"brent"-> threads #"brent#2"-> delay 4 .delay 4 seconds +400 #"brent"-> threads #-> start(:myShortDA) {shortDA} C'-% h %ѝ] P%,% h %] #"myShortDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myShortDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:myShortDA] #"brent#2"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> Thread[:myShortDA].answer #"myShortDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds +1000 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%V +151 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%:  +150 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %K']4 +2263 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%|  +150 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%{' +1257 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%N @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %x' +584 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%d' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%5 +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%.' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%1 +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%8'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%< +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%(  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%I' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%P +113 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%C' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%>' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%& h &p] M&A% h % ] A(L% h %] A(?. h ., ."myShortDA"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b (0( +190 h ( ."myShortDA"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (=& h & ] M&Z& h &-k] M&2% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &X(h +166 h ( M&D& h &h] A(w& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' A(`& h & ] ."myShortDA"\SE.seek 11.76 Pucks below Top Plate A( ' +182 h ' A(Y& h & ] M&\\& h &h] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek 2 M&S(h +6 h ( M&%& h &h] A(M& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&B'H +19 h ' ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &;/ +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&f& h &h] A(o' M&E% h %H] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&h' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek PC M&i( +92 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +145 h ( M&a& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &q& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &]' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\PC.seek :closed P%G(U +366 h ( ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&*1 +150 h 1 M&Q% h %] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &' +89 h ' #"myShortDA"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%H  %k9 h 9++d +100 P%/9 h 9D+d +100 P%n9 h 9]+d +100 P%49 h 9u+ d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%39 h 9+d +100 P%c9 h 9+d +100 P%#9 h 9+d +100 P%O9 h 9+ d +100 P%9 h 9+$d +100 P%F9 h 9 +(d +100 P%&9 h 98+,d +100 P%s9 h 9P+0d +100 P%U9 h 9h+4d ."myShortDA"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C P%} pp_ ."myShortDA"delay 1:30 h 4 +9000 ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%9' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +151 h  ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%^ +75 h ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%_  +50 h  P%y% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%W * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%"  +24 h  ."myShortDA"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%J +75 h ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%u +76 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%+ +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%p  +76 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%j' +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%T  +150 h ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%~ @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %v' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial CBV P%  +38 h P%z% h %] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C'  +19 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.9ml P%'D\ +1256 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%! @ +75 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%e' +854 h ' #"myShortDA"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %m'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :PML P%@ +38 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :mixing P%R @ +75 h @ ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%'  +25 h  P%\ % h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%l' +232 h ' ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1941 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C'7& h &] M&r& h &] M&g% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &b(-k +115 h ( M&[& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &-& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :garage M&,'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&V/ +150 h / M&:& h &-k] M&% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &|( +265 h ( M&K& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &N& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &{'& +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :closed C' (W +397 h ( C'x& h &W] ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&5% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &d' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%1 +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%.' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%8  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%<' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%( +37 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%P  C'I  +19 h +169 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%C  +75 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%A  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%L' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%? +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%=' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%Z  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%2' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%$ +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%D' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&w& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &`( +6 h ( M&)& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &Y& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek CC M&\\'& +90 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&%/ +150 h / ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :open C'M( +397 h ( M&6& h &] M&;% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&f' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &E(-k +265 h ( M&X& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &B'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.open M& 1 +150 h 1 M&a% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &q' +91 h ' ."da"delayUntil "00:44:36.76" +25241 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P%S @ +76 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%o  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%h * +25 h * #"brent"-> Thread.resync ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%  #"brent#2"\Session Begun #-> Thread.unsync #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %*' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%Q +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%k  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%/ +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%n  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%]' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%4 +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%3'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%c  +76 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%# +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%O  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%F' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%& * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%s' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%U  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%> +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %9' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%^ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%_ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%y  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%W +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%H'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%" +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%J% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%u * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' #"brent"\Session Begun #-> delay 3.minutes .delay 3:00 +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%+  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%p * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %T' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +165 #"brent"-> delay 3.minutes .delay 3:00 +335 ."da"\PSV.dial PSR P%~ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%j +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%z' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%v  +38 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +150 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%  +38 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %!' +381 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%  +38 h  P%% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%e' +331 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%@  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%R'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%' +38 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P%\ @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%m% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%l' +231 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%7 * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%r' +1941 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +9067 #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended +38933 #"da"recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%g  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%[ * +24 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%-  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %i' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%V +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%:  +37 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%,' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%K +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %N' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%b'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%t +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%x  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%5' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%1 * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%{' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%8 * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%. +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %(' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%< +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%I +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%P +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%C' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %A' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%? +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%L  +25 h  P%Z% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%=' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%$ * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%2' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%w  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%) * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%Y +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %%' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%| +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%d +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%6  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%;' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%\\ +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %X' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%` +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +24 h  P%a% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%f' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%B * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%S' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%o  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%h * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %D' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%Q +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%k +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%/ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%n  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%*' +1044 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%4 +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %]'> +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%c'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%# +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%O  +24 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%3' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%& * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%F' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%U  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%> +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %s' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%^ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%_ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%y  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%9' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%W +150 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%"  +24 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%J' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%H * +25 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%u  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' P%+9 h 9+1T #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P%p %& h 1T &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M& % h % ] A(% h %] A(~. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b (j( +189 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (& h &] M&T& h &-k] M&v% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &(m +166 h ( M&& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &z' +89 h ' A(& h &] ."da"\SE.seek 2.76 Pucks below Top Plate A('/ +243 h ' M&!& h &m] A(@& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &e' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&', +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight A(\ - M&$&.,(\ #b h -+/ ."da"\SE.seek 3.12 Pucks below Top Plate A('i +25 h ' M&m% h %] A(7& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&R'I +21 h ' M&l& h &m] A(g& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &[' +19 h ' ."da"\SE.seek 4.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(-' +31 h ' M&r& h &m] M&V% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &:' +90 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +237 h ( M&& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &i& h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&K' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&,/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%N(p +366 h ( A(& h &] M&t& h &] M&x% h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &b(m +238 h ( M&1& h &m] A(5& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.open M&81 +150 h 1 A(.- h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 3.77 Pucks below Top Plate A({' +26 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek 2.78 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (<'? +45 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da70jan0101h.tif P%I& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M&P& h &m] M& % h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &(' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&(-k +165 h ( M&C& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &A& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&?'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&L/ +150 h / M&Z& h &-k] M&% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&$' +91 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &=( +115 h ( M&w& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &)& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &Y' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P%2(U +366 h ( P%|& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&d1 +150 h 1 M& % h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &6' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%% +38 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%\\' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%;' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%X @ +226 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%`  +151 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%a'ҫ +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%B' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%f' ` +1978 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da70jan0101h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +116 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%o  +25 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P%h @ +75 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%S'ҫ +2071 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da70jan0101h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +527 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%Q +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%k'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%/' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%n +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%D  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%4' +518 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da70jan0101h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2079 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%* +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%]' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2095 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%# +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%O U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%c @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%&' ` +394 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da70jan0101h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(3- h -+? A(U& h &] M&& h &] M&>% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &F(m +238 h ( M& & h &m] A(^& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &_' +89 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek 3.49 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (y' +41 h ' M&s& h &m] A(W& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &9' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&, +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\SE.reconfigure :default M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.seek 3.68 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b ("'Q +22 h ' M&% h %] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&H'I +21 h ' M&u& h &m] A(J& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &+' +19 h ' A(p% h %Q] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A(' +100 ( % h %Ŷ] M&% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &~' +89 h ' +47 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 (& h &] +1508 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%T  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%v' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%0 +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%E @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%q' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%!  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%@' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%\ +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%m'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%7' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%l +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%g  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%r' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%V +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%z' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%e U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%R' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%[' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%i' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%' +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%,' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%: +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%G' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%t' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%x  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%K' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&1& h &m] M&5% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +238 h ( M&8& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &.& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&' +89 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&I/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P%P(p +366 h ( M& & h &] M&-% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&{' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &C(-k +115 h ( M&A& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &b'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&L1 +150 h 1 M&Z% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &' +90 h ' #"myShortDA"\Finished short da assay +336983 #"brent"\Session Begun #-> start(:myShortDA) {shortDA} C'(% P%w% h %] %ѝ] #"myShortDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myShortDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> Thread[:myShortDA].answer #"myShortDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds #"brent#2"-> threads #-> Thread["brent"].busy !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time *"2m: mesgu:NameError::messageKundefined method `busy' for #: name: busy: args[:bt["#brent#2:3:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread["brent"].busy? !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time *"2m: mesgu:NameError::messageLundefined method `busy?' for #: name:\ busy?: args[:bt["#brent#2:4:in `topLevelBinding'" Thread["brent"].threadBusy !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time *"2m: mesgu:NameError::messageQundefined method `threadBusy' for #: name:threadBusy: args[:bt["#brent#2:5:in `topLevelBinding'" ESP["brent"].thread #-> ESP["brent"].client.thread #-> ESP["brent"].client.thread.unsync #-> Thread.unsync #"brent"-> Thread.unsync +1000 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%) +151 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%?  +150 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %$']4 +2263 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%N  +150 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%|' +1257 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%d @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb % ' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%% +112 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%Y'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%\\ +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%X' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%` +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P% 'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%;' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%a  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%B' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%o +113 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%h' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%f' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%Q& h &p] M&S% h % ] A(k% h %] A(n. h ., ."myShortDA"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b (D( +190 h ( ."myShortDA"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (/& h & ] M&*& h &-k] M&4% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &](h +166 h ( M&#& h &h] A(O& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' A(c& h & ] ."myShortDA"\SE.seek 10.76 Pucks below Top Plate A('w +188 h ' A(3& h & ] M&U& h &h] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek 2 M&(h +7 h ( M&>& h &h] A( & h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&^'H +19 h ' ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &=/ +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&s& A(W' h &h] M&% h %H] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek PC M&u( +98 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +140 h ( M&J& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &p& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &6' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\PC.seek :closed P% (U +366 h ( ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&<% h %] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &_' +89 h ' #"myShortDA"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%F  %9 h 9++d +100 P%y9 h 9D+d +100 P%99 h 9]+d +100 P%H9 h 9u+ d +100 P%"9 h 9+d +100 P%+9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%T9 h 9+d +100 P%&9 h 9+ d +100 P%09 h 9+$d +100 P%v9 h 9 +(d +100 P%9 h 98+,d +100 P%9 h 9P+0d +100 P%E9 h 9h+4d ."myShortDA"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C P% pp_ ."myShortDA"delay 1:30 h 4 +9000 ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%! +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%q' +584 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2ml P%\ 'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :puck P%@  +150 h  ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%m +76 h ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%l  +50 h  P%g% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%7' +584 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%V * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%r' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%z  +25 h  ."myShortDA"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%e +76 h ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%R +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%[  +75 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%'' +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%i  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%: +37 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%, @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial CBV P%G  +38 h P%x% h %] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%t' +350 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C'1  +19 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :air P%5  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.9ml P%8'D\ +1256 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%. @ +76 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +853 h ' #"myShortDA"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%I  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %~'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :PML P%2 +37 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :mixing P% @ +76 h @ ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%-  +24 h  P%A% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%' +232 h ' ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1941 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C'L& h &] M&Z& h &] M&{% #"brent#2"-> hidelog h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &b(-k +114 h ( M&}& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &w& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :garage M&('Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&)/ +150 h / M&?& h &-k] M&% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&K' +91 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &N( +264 h ( M&$& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &d& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &|'& +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :closed C'%(W +397 h ( C' & h &W] ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&Y1 +150 h 1 M&\\% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%` +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%X' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%a +38 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%;' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%o  C'B  +19 h +169 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%h  +76 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%Q' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%S  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%k' ` +2598 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%n +37 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%/' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%*  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%4' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%j +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%#' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&O& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &c( +7 h ( M&C& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &3& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek CC M&U'& +89 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&>/ +150 h / ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :open C' ( +397 h ( M&& h &] M&=% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&s' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &(-k +264 h ( M&]& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &^'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&J% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &p' +91 h ' ."da"delayUntil "02:49:33.00" +25242 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P% @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%W  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%P  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%< +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%y +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%9  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%6' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%H +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %"' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%+'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%T +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%&  +25 h  P%0% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%v' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%E  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%! * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%f +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %q' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%@ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%m +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%l +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%g  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%\ ' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%V +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %7' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%F'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%z +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%e% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%r' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%R' +1590 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%[ * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %i' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%: +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%, +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%' +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%G  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%x' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%1  +151 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%5  +37 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%t +38 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %.' +382 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%8  +37 h  P%I% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%' +332 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%2  +37 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P% 'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%- +38 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P%A @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%~% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%' +232 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%L * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%Z' +1941 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +48000 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%{  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%} * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%w  +37 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %u' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%) +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%?  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%_  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%(' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%$ +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %d' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%b'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%K  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%M +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%Y% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%\\' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%` * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%|' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%X +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %a' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%B +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%o +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%h' +1045 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%; +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %S' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%Q'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%n +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%k  +24 h  P%*% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%/' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%j * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%4' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%O  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%C * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%3 +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %>' ` +1045 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%N +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%=' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%U +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %]' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%c +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%J% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%s' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%^ * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%W  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%P +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %#' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%< +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%y +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%9  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%H +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %6'> +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%"' +331 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%T +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%&  +25 h  P%0% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%+' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%v' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%E  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%! * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%f +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%@ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%m +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%l +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%g  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%q' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%V +151 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %\ 'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%7 +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%z  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%e' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%F * +25 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%r' +1591 h ' P%9 h 9+1T #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P%[ %& h 1T &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M&R% h % ] A(:% h %] A(,. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b ('( +189 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (G& h &] M&i& h &-k] M&% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &1(m +166 h ( M&5& h &m] A(t& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &x' +90 h ' A(8& h &] ."da"\SE.seek 3.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(I' +236 h ' M&.& h &m] A(2& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&-, +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight A(A- M&$&.,(\ #b h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 4.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(' +25 h ' M&~% h %] A(L& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M& 'I +21 h ' M&& h &m] A({& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &}' +19 h ' ."da"\SE.seek 5.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(w'; +31 h ' M&Z& h &m] M&)% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &?' +90 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +237 h ( M&_& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &u& h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&$' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&(/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%d(p +366 h ( A(K& h &] M&M& h &] M& % h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&Y' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &b(m +238 h ( M&`& h &m] A(\\& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.open M& 1 +150 h 1 A(X- h -+; ."da"\SE.seek 4.77 Pucks below Top Plate A(|' +26 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek 3.78 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (' +45 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da70jan0103h.tif P%B& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M&o& h &m] M&% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &a' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&;(-k +166 h ( M&h& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &S& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&n'Z +90 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&k/ +150 h / M&*& h &-k] M&Q% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&j' +91 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &/( +115 h ( M&O& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &C& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &3' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P%4(U +366 h ( P%N& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&%% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%> +38 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%U' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%=' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%] @ +225 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%c  +151 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%J'ҫ +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%^' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%s' ` +1977 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da70jan0103h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +117 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%W  +24 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P% @ +76 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%P +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%'ҫ +2070 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da70jan0103h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +527 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%< +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%y' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%9 +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%#  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%H' +518 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da70jan0103h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2079 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%6' +584 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%"' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%T +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%& U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%0' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +394 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da70jan0103h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(+- h -+ A(E& h &] M&!& h &] M&f% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &v(m +238 h ( M&@& h &m] A(m& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &l' +89 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek 4.49 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (g' +41 h ' M&& h &m] A(V& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &q' +23 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&7, +6 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\SE.reconfigure :default M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.seek 4.68 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (z' +22 h ' M&% h %] A(\ & h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&F'I +21 h ' M&& h &m] A(e& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +19 h ' A([% h %] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A(' +100 (R% h %] M&:% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &,' +89 h ' +41 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 (G& h &] +1514 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%i  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%D +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%5' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%t +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%8' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%p' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%.  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%2' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%A +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%~'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%L' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%{  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%Z' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%) +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%x' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%1' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%I +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P% U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%}' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%_  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%u' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%- +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%(' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%? +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%K @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%M' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%$' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&`& h &m] M&\\% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +238 h ( M& & h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &X& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&Y' +89 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&B/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P%o(p +366 h ( M&& h &] M&w% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&|' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &h(-k +115 h ( M&S& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &b'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&k1 +150 h 1 M&*% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &Q' +91 h ' #"myShortDA"\Finished short da assay +336988 #"brent"-> prompt “Press return to continue” !o:SyntaxError:@timestampu: Time ,Y: mesg"mcompile error\ brent:4: Invalid char `\\342' in expression\ brent:4: Invalid char `\\200' in expression\ brent:4: Invalid char `\\234' in expression\ brent:4: void value expression\ prompt “Press return to continue”\ ^\ brent:4: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting $end\ prompt “Press return to continue”\ ^:bt["!brent:4:in `topLevelBinding'" prompt “P"ess return to continue" !o:SyntaxError:@timestampu: Time ,Y: mesg"compile error\ brent:5: Invalid char `\\342' in expression\ brent:5: Invalid char `\\200' in expression\ brent:5: Invalid char `\\234' in expression:bt["!brent:5:in `topLevelBinding'" prompt "press return to continue" #Waiting for brent to answer "press return to continue" #\Answered press return to continue"" #-> start(:myShortDA) {shortDA} C'a% P%O% h %ѝ] %] #"myShortDA"Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? #Type 'Thread[:myShortDA].answer' to continue #"brent"-> answser #-> answer #"myShortDA"brent answered Ready to sample after 10 seconds from PRV.sipper? "Yes" #\Pulling 1.1ml sample from PRV.sipper after 10 seconds delay .delay 10 seconds +1000 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%C +151 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%n  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%;  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 1.1ml P%#A 2`xb %j']4 +2263 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%d  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%N' +1256 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P% @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0ml P%#A d`xb %%' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%> +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%3'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%r' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%U +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%]' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%c +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1ml P%'P +1088 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%=' ` +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +113 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :sipper P%J  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%^' +2598 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%W +113 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%P +113 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%s' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Loading da puck from tube 2 into Processing Clamp P%<& h &p] M&% h % ] A(% h %] A(9. h ., ."myShortDA"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 2 A($\ .(\ 1~b (#( +189 h ( ."myShortDA"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b (y& h & ] M&& h &-k] M&H% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 2 M&$&.,(\ #b &6(h +166 h ( M&T& h &h] A(&& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 2 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &"' +90 h ' A(& h & ] ."myShortDA"\SE.seek 9.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(0' +195 h ' A(+& h & ] M&E& h &h] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek 2 M&!(h +7 h ( M&f& h &h] A(@& h & ] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek 2 + 300 counts M&m'H +19 h ' ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .Hand.close M&#Q@2^d^b &// +150 h / ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down M&& A(V' h &h] M&% h %H] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&\ ' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.seek PC M&( +106 h ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 +132 h ( M&e& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &[& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\PC.seek :closed P%R(U +366 h ( ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&:1 +150 h 1 M&% h %] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &l' +90 h ' #"myShortDA"Heating Puck.from 2, :da in Processing Clamp to 28C for 2:00:00 .\PH.seek 28C,5:00 P%G  %v9 h 9++d +100 P%g9 h 9D+d +100 P%q9 h 9]+d +100 P%F9 h 9u+ d +100 P%z9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+d +100 P%i9 h 9+d +100 P%9 h 9+ d +100 P%D9 h 9+$d +100 P%9 h 9 +(d +100 P%t9 h 98+,d +100 P%59 h 9P+0d +100 P%9 h 9h+4d ."myShortDA"\PH.hold 2:00:00,28C P%8 pp_ ."myShortDA"delay 1:30 h 4 +9000 ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%. +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%p' +585 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2ml P%A'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :puck P%2  +150 h  ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P%~ +76 h ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +50 h  P%{% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%L' +584 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%) * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%Z' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5:00 +30000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%x  +25 h  ."myShortDA"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%I * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %1' ` +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P% +75 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%_ +76 h ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%}  +75 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%-' +1044 h ' ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing,via: PRV P%u  +151 h ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%? +37 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :ab1 P%( @ +113 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :slow .\PS.seek 0.15ml P%#A 2`xb %K' +351 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 ."connect"\CBV.dial PRV ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial CBV P%  +37 h P% % h %] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.3ml P%M' +351 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 .\CBV.dial between PRV and PSV C'`  +18 h ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :air P%\\  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.9ml P% 'D\ +1257 h ' ."myShortDA"\PRV.dial :waste2 P%X @ +75 h @ ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%7' +853 h ' #"myShortDA"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%B  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %,'u +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :PML P%4 +38 h ."myShortDA"\PTV.dial :mixing P% @ +75 h @ ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%w  +25 h  P%S% h %u] ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%' +231 h ' ."myShortDA"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%Y * +25 h * ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1941 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 2 seconds +200 #Beginning samplePassC #Loading FlushPuck into Collection Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage C'k& h &] M&*& h &] M&|% h % ] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&$&.,(\ #b &b(-k +114 h ( M&& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &a& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :garage M&O'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&C/ +150 h / M&n& h &-k] M&;% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&$' +91 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &d( +264 h ( M&j& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek CC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &N'& +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :closed C'>(W +397 h ( C'%& h &W] ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&31 +150 h 1 M&U% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &r' +89 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%c +113 h #"myShortDA"\Pulling 1.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%]' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial PSR P%J +38 h ."myShortDA"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%=' ` +2597 h ' ."connect"\PRV.dial CBV,avoiding: :ab2 ."myShortDA"\CBV.dial PRV P%W  C'^  +19 h +170 ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%P +113 h ."myShortDA"\CTV.dial :air,avoiding: :intake .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +75 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%<' +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%  +38 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%9 +37 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%y' +2598 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :air P%  +37 h  ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%H' ` +2597 h ' ."myShortDA"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%' +38 h ."myShortDA"\PS.seek 0ml P%T' +2597 h ' #"myShortDA"Garaging FlushPuck in Collection Clamp M&&& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek CC M&$&.,(\ #b &( +7 h ( M&h& h &] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &+& h &] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek CC M&E'& +89 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.close M&f/ +150 h / ."myShortDA"\CC.seek :open C'@( +397 h ( M&Q& h &] M&/% h %&] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.seek :retract M&' +90 h ' ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &(-k +264 h ( M&6& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &"& h &-k] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &m'Z +91 h ' ."myShortDA"Hand.open M&01 +150 h 1 M&e% h %Z] ."myShortDA"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &[' +91 h ' ."da"delayUntil "04:54:29.31" +25242 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing P%! @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%V  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%\ * +24 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%o  +38 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %:' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P% +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%v  +37 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%g +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%q  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%F +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %z' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%i +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%D% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%t * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%5' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%. * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%s +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %p' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%2 +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%~ +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%{  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%A' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 2 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%) +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %L' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%G'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%x +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%I  +24 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%Z' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%_  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%} * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%1 +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %u' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%? +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%( +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%- +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +1044 h ' #"da"getPMLReagent08 .\PRV.dial :air P%K  +37 h  ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%`  +151 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PRV.dial :ab2 P%\\  +38 h  ."da"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%M +37 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.3ml P%#A d`xb %X' +382 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PRV.dial :air P%  +37 h  P%B% h %] ."da"\PS.seek 0.55ml P%7' +332 h ' #"da"addPMLReagent08 .\PSV.dial :air P%4  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1541 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :PML P%w +37 h ."da"\PTV.dial :mixing P%S @ +75 h @ ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%Y  +25 h  P%,% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.85ml P%' +232 h ' ."da"\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%k * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%*' +1941 h ' ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .delay 8:00 +48000 #recoverPRVreagent08 .\PTV.dial :mixing .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%|  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSV.dial :air P%a  +37 h  ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%C +38 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%n  +38 h  ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :mixloop P%; +37 h ."da"delay 2 seconds +200 .\PSV.dial :air P%l  +38 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%O' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #1 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%j +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%b'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck P%$  +75 h  ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%%  +24 h  P%3% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%U' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%c * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%N' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +24 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P% * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%] +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %J' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%^ +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%W +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%P  +76 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #2 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%= +150 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +7 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %' +584 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%<'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%9 +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%y' +584 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%' * +25 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%H' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%&  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%h * +24 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%+ +76 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %f' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%d +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%r +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%> +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%Q  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%/' +1044 h ' #"da"washCycleDA #3 of 3 .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%E +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.wash .\PSR.select :wash P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.5ml P%#A d`xb %6' +585 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%"'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%0  +25 h  P%e% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%m * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%!' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 2:00 +12000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%V  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%\ * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%o +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %T' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%v +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P%g +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%q  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%:' +1044 h ' ."da"Gate.power :camera,:ON #\Mixing DA Substrates .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%F +151 h #"da"\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub1 .\PSR.select :sub1 P% +6 ."da"\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 0.25ml P%#A d`xb %'> +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 #\Pulling 0.25ml of PSR.sub2 .\PSR.select :sub2 P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%z' +332 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."da"\PS.seek 2ml P%'u +1591 h ' ."da"\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%i +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  P%D% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%t * +24 h * ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +1591 h ' ."da"delay 10 seconds +1000 #recoverPSRreagent08 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%  +25 h  ."da"delay 30 seconds +3000 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%. * +25 h * ."da"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%s +75 h ."da"\PS.reconfigure :fast .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%#A ,`xb %5' ` +1044 h ' ."da"\PSV.dial PTV P%2 +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PSR P%~ +76 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSV.dial :air P%{  +75 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%p' +1044 h ' #"da"\Additional air clear .\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%) +151 h #"da"\Pulling 2ml of PSR.air .\PSR.select :air .\PS.reconfigure :default .\PS.seek 2ml P%#A d`xb %A'u +2094 h ' ."da"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PTV.dial :puck .\PSV.dial PTV P%L +75 h ."da"\PBV.dial :waste1 P%x  +25 h  P%I% h %u] ."da"\PS.seek 1.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."da"delay 3 seconds +300 .\PBV.dial between PSV and waste1 P%G * +24 h * ."da"delay 1 second +100 .\PSV.dial :waste1 P%  +113 h  ."da"\PS.seek 0ml P%Z' +1591 h ' P%_9 h 9+1T #"da"\Processing Puck Heater at 28C before imaging .\PH.coast P%} %1& h 1T &U] #"da"Imaging da puck in Processing Clamp while storing it to tube 1 M& % h % ] A(?% h %] A((. h ., ."da"\SC.reconfigure :tight .\SC.seek 1 A($\ .(\ 1~b (-( +190 h ( ."da"\SC.configure :limp A($(\ 1b ( & h &] M&u& h &-k] M&K% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &`(m +165 h ( M&\\& h &m] A(M& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b & ' +90 h ' A( & h &] ."da"\SE.seek 4.76 Pucks below Top Plate A(B' +228 h ' M&X& h &m] A(4& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &7' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&w, +7 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight A(S- M&$&.,(\ #b h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 5.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(Y'; +25 h ' M&,% h %] A(k& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&'I +21 h ' M&& h &m] A(|& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +19 h ' ."da"\SE.seek 6.12 Pucks below Top Plate A(a' +32 h ' M&*& h &m] M&C% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &n' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.seek PC M&;( +238 h ( M&l& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &] ."da"\Forearm.seek PC M&j' +89 h ' ."da"Hand.close M&O/ +150 h / ."da"\PC.seek :open P%(p +366 h ( A($& h &] M& & h &] M&%% h %] ."da"\Forearm.seek :retract M&3' +89 h ' ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &b(m +238 h ( M&c& h &m] A(U& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +90 h ' ."da"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 A(]- h -+ ."da"\SE.seek 5.77 Pucks below Top Plate A(N'p +25 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :seal .\SE.seek 4.78 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (' +46 h ' #"da"Lights, camera, ACTION! #"psFlush"Loading FlushPuck into Processing Clamp from FlushPuck::Garage #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 -auto /var/log/esp/da70jan0105h.tif P%^& ."da"delay 1:50 h &p] M&W& h &m] M&P% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &J' +89 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek FlushPuck::Garage M&=(-k +166 h ( M&& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :garage M&9'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&/ +150 h / M&& h &-k] M&<% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&'' +91 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek PC M&$&.,(\ #b &y( +114 h ( M&&& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &h& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek PC M&#Q@2^d^\ b &+' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PC.seek :closed P%H(U +365 h ( P%d& h &U] ."psFlush"Hand.open M&r1 +150 h 1 M&>% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &Q' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%f +37 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%E' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%/' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PRV.dial :waste2,avoiding: :ab2 P%6 @ +226 h @ ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :PRVmixing P%  +150 h ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%0 +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%e'ҫ +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PSV.dial PSR P%" +112 h #"psFlush"\Pulling 0.5ml of PSR.flush .\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%m' +585 h ' ."psFlush"delay 5 seconds +500 .\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +1978 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 15.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da70jan0105h15s.tif .delay 25 seconds +116 h ' ."psFlush"delay 1 second +100 .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%V  +25 h  ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :mixing P%\ @ +75 h @ ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :mixloop P%o +113 h ."psFlush"\PS.seek :empty P%!'ҫ +2071 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=2,2 30.0 /var/log/esp/midres/da70jan0105h30s.tif .delay 40 seconds +526 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P% +113 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%v'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%g' ` +1590 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%q +76 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck P%T  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PBV.dial :waste1 .\PS.seek 0ml P%F' +519 #"da"\Simulating PuckCamera: snap -bin=1,1 70.0 /var/log/esp/hires/da70jan0105h70s.tif .delay 1:20 +2078 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%: +76 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P%' +585 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%z' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%i +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P% U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%D' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%t' ` +395 ."da"DAfans.suppressMail " sec auto-exposure",Subject: "da70jan0105h images!" .Gate.power :camera,:OFF A(- h -+ A(& h &] M&.& h &] M&s% h % ] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek 1 M&$&.,(\ #b &(m +237 h ( M&2& h &m] A(~& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &' +90 h ' ."da"\SE.reconfigure :gently .\SE.seek 5.49 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b ({' +41 h ' M&5& h &m] A()& h &] ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :limp .\Forearm.reconfigure :loose M&$ ,(b ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 M&#Q@2^d^b &p' +22 h ' ."da"\Elbow.hold M&L, +6 h , ."da"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\SE.reconfigure :default M&$&.,(\ #b ."da"\SE.seek 5.68 Pucks below Top Plate A(#QK-0-\ b (x'# +23 h ' M&I% h %] A(A& h &] ."da"\Forearm.force -20 M&5 ."da"\Forearm.seek 1 + 300 counts M&G'I +20 h ' M&& h &m] A(& h &] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek 1 + 450 counts M&#Q@2^d^\ b &_' +19 h ' A(}% h %#] ."downElevator"\SE.seek :down A(1' +100 ( % h %̈] M&?% h %] ."da"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &(' +90 h ' +33 ' ."downElevator"\SE.stop A(5 ( & h &] +1521 ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%u  +76 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%K' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%# +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%\\' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%M +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P% ' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P% @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%[' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%X  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%4' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%S +38 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +6 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 1ml P%,'P +1088 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%k' ` +1591 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P% +75 h ."psFlush"\PTV.dial :puck .\PBV.dial :waste1 P%|  +50 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%*' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%C +75 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :flush P%@ +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0.5ml P% ' +584 h ' ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air P% +7 ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%`' ` +2094 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%B +75 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV P%7 U +50 h U ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%Y @ +38 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P%' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%l  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%' +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PSR P%w +37 h ."psFlush"\PSR.select :air .\PS.seek 2.5ml P%O' ` +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PTV P%n +76 h ."psFlush"\PBV.dial PSV .\PS.seek 0ml P%R' +2597 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial PBV P%$ @ +37 h @ ."psFlush"\PS.seek 2.5ml P% ' ` +2598 h ' ."psFlush"\PSV.dial :waste1 P%%  +75 h  ."psFlush"\PS.seek 0ml P%j' +2597 h ' #"psFlush"Garaging FlushPuck in Processing Clamp M&c& h &m] M&U% h % ] ."psFlush"\Elbow.seek PC M&;( +238 h ( M&& h &] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b &]& h &] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek PC M&3' +89 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.close M&^/ +150 h / ."psFlush"\PC.seek :open P%W(p +366 h ( M&P& h &] M&a% h %] ."psFlush"\Forearm.seek :retract M&N' +90 h ' ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :tight .\Elbow.seek :garage M&$&.,(\ #b &(-k +114 h ( M&& h &-k] ."psFlush"\Elbow.reconfigure :loose M&$ &.,(#b && h &-k] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :tight .\Forearm.seek :garage M&#Q@2^d^\ b &b'Z +91 h ' ."psFlush"Hand.open M&1 +150 h 1 M&% h %Z] ."psFlush"\Forearm.reconfigure :loose .\Forearm.seek :retract M&#Q@2^d^b &<' +91 h ' #"myShortDA"\Finished short da assay +336997 #"brent"-> list method :prompt #-> source method :prompt !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time .I: mesg":undefined method `source' for CmdServer::Client:Class: name0: args0:bt[";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:51:in `method_missing'";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:63:in `method_missing'""brent:12:in `topLevelBinding'" method :prompt #-> _.source #"brent#2"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> ping espwaldo !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time .I: mesg"8undefined method `ping' for CmdServer::Client:Class: name0: args0:bt[";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:51:in `method_missing'";/home/esp/esp2/lib/framework.rb:63:in `method_missing'""brent:15:in `topLevelBinding'" quit #\Session Ended #\Session Begun #-> ESP::Mode #-> Thread.unsync #"b2"\Session Begun #-> delay 3 .delay 3 seconds +300 #"brent"-> Thread.time #-> now=Thread.time #"b2"-> delay 1.hour !o:NoMethodError\ :@timestampu: Time .IN: mesgu:NameError::message)undefined method `hour' for 1:Fixnum: name: hour: args[:bt["b2:2:in `topLevelBinding'" delay 1.hours .delay 1:00:00 +360000 #"brent"-> now - Thread.time #-> Thread.time - now #-> Delay Thread.time - now #"b2"-> exit #\Session Ended #"brent"-> exit #\Session Ended