>BREAK< ESP3 Gateway v1.42 for core bus @17:20:00.68 >BREAK< ESP3 Gateway v1.42 for cartridge bus @17:20:05.70 Configuration for honu by methane@mbari.org 1/24/23 /home/esp/esp2/type/auv/honu/configure.rb @17:20:06.75 Sea pressure (Abs) tare is 6% of full scale @17:20:10.73 Polling Can every 2:00 @17:20:11.22 Clients may connect on TCP port 9999 @17:20:11.28 Connecting to @17:20:11.32 Errno::ECONNREFUSED in MAIN -- Could not connect to initial client because Connection refused - connect(2) @17:20:11.40 Session Begun @17:20:11.45
Waiting for espclients... @17:20:32.91 -> spr = Sampler::SPRcontext.new # @17:20:43.15 -> spr.logSummary 1234, [18.8,53.2,62.8,88.4] @17:20:43.16 SPRsummary:18.8RIU,53.2RIU,62.8RIU,88.4RIU after 1234s @17:21:48.55 -> spr.setVolumes 150,1100 7.33333333333333 @17:21:51.40 -> spr.logSummary 1234, [18.8,53.2,62.8,88.4] @17:21:51.42 SPRsummary:18.8RIU,53.2RIU,62.8RIU,88.4RIU,242ng/L,197ng/L,219ng/L after 1234s @17:23:00.10 -> upsync #<#::NoThread:0xb6d1a508> @17:23:21.19 -> _.finish #<#::NoThread:0xb6d1a508> @17:23:29.82 -> list method :upsync def upsync Log.upload.finish end @17:26:39.20 -> exit @17:26:39.21 Session Ended