#!/bin/sh self=`basename $0` [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = '--help' ] && { cat <&2 Background espclient command -- 7/22/21 brent@mbari.org Usage: $self clientArgs -- clientRubyCmd clientArgs are passed through to espclient clientRubyCmd is piped into espclient ==> Any arguments containing puncutation '<>\`#*&()~$' must be 'quoted' <== Examples: $self myName -- slot spare:3 #set the number of spare cartridges to 3 $self myName -- 'slot [24..19,16]=>:dry' #mark slots 24..19 and 16 as dry END exit 2 } clientArgs= while [ "$1" ]; do [ "$1" = '--' ] && { shift; break } clientArgs="$clientArgs $1" shift done : ${name:=$self} export name start sh -c "echo '$@' | onESP espclient $clientArgs"