#!/bin/sh [ "$2" ] || { cat <&2 Plot vehicle data for a range of cartridges -- 10/18/19 brent@mbari.org Generates one plot per cartridge (where plotcart combines all carts on one plot) stdin is the deployment .csv data from trimSTOQS First arg is highest cartridge number of interest Second arg is the lowest cartridge number of interest Third arg is directory containing all deployment *.out files Fourth optional arg is comma separated list of data fields to plot Any additional args are passed to quickplot END exit 1 } cart=$1 low=$2 shift 2 export plotCSV=/tmp/plotcarts-$$.csv trap "rm -f $plotCSV" EXIT INT TERM cat >$plotCSV while [ $cart -ge $low ]; do cat $plotCSV | plotcart $cart "$@" & cart=`expr $cart - 1` done