@1371611597.33PDT = =Mmanipulator =FMFB =Ssampler =hcore =tquick =Ccollection =mquickScheduler =Astorage =Pprocessing @PST0.00 #t\Copyright 2013 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/shallow/12700/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.xx $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2013/02/15 00:21:06 $\ #\Copyright 2008 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/mfb/MFB3/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.44 $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2012/08/17 18:43:45 $\ S) )  h Š C' '  h §‚ P% %  h Ľƒ F* *  h Ş„ S)đ +6 C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ '€ -\ P%€ 9\ %€ 2\ %€ *\ S)€&\ P%€ 0\ C'€ 2\ F*€\ 9\ .t\SPE.coast F*€\ 9\ *€\ 9\ *  Đ˙˙˙ h Ş… .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig F*\ ˆ„ú2 .t\AS.stop .\AS.configure ASconfig F*5 *#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\CC.stop .\CC.configure CCconfig C'6 .t\CS.stop C'$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\CS.configure CSconfig C'5 .t\PC.stop C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž .t\PC.configure PCconfig P%6 .t\PS.stop P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%5 .t\Forearm.stop P%#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .t\Forearm.configure LooseForearm M&5 &#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .tElbow.stop .Elbow.configure LooseElbow M&6 .t\SC.stop M&$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž .t\SC.configure SCloose A(6 .t\SE.stop A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A(5 .t\SS.stop A(#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž S)5 .t\SS.configure SSconfig .\CH.coast S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€"SyntaxError in quick" @1371611605.36PDT @1371611658.00PDT = =Mmanipulator =FMFB =Ssampler =hcore =tquick =Ccollection =mquickScheduler =Astorage =Pprocessing @PST0.00 #t\Copyright 2013 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/shallow/12700/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.xx $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2013/02/15 00:21:06 $\ #\Copyright 2008 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/mfb/MFB3/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.44 $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2012/08/17 18:43:45 $\ S) )  h Š C' '  h §‚ P% %  h Ľƒ F* *  h Ş„ S)đ +6 C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ P%€ 9\ C'€ -\ P%€ 2\ S)€&\ C'€ 2\ P%€ *\ F*€\ 9\ .t\SPE.coast F*€\ 9\ P%€ 0\ F*€\ 9\ *  Đ˙˙˙ h Ş… .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig F*\ ˆ„ú2 .t\AS.stop .\AS.configure ASconfig F*5 *#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\CC.stop .\CC.configure CCconfig C'6 .t\CS.stop C'$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\CS.configure CSconfig C'5 .t\PC.stop C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž P%6 .t\PC.configure PCconfig .\PS.stop P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%5 .t\Forearm.stop P%#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .t\Forearm.configure LooseForearm M&5 .tElbow.stop M&#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .tElbow.configure LooseElbow M&6 .t\SC.stop M&$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž .t\SC.configure SCloose A(6 .t\SE.stop A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A(5 .t\SS.stop A(#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž .t\SS.configure SSconfig S)5 .t\CH.coast S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€"13jun18UBC begun" #\Asleep til 20:15:00 06/18/2013 #\Sleeping until 20:15PDT18-Jun-13 #"shutdown"\Shutdown .tGoodNews.suppressMail "Then, in tube 2: initialPurge; vibrio #vibrio 1\\n/home/esp/esp2/mission/13jun18UBC.rb:12",:Subject=>"Asleep until 20:15PDT18-Jun-13" @PDT1371611700.00 .\Sleepy.power :dwarf,:ON .\Sleepy.power :raw,:ON S) )  h Šˆ C' '   h §‰ P% % \  h ĽŠ F* *   h Ş‹ C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ P%€ 9\ C'€ -\ S)€&\ P%€ 2\ C'€ 2\ F*€\ 9\ P%€ *\ .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig F*€\ 9\ P%€ 0\ .t\AS.configure ASconfig F*€\ 9\ .t\CC.configure CCconfig F*\ ˆ„ú2 .t\CS.configure CSconfig C'$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž F*#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\PC.configure PCconfig C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .t\Forearm.configure LooseForearm .Elbow.configure LooseElbow M&#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .t\SC.configure SCloose M&$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A(#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž .t\SS.configure SSconfig .\CH.configure CHconfig S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€"vibrio sampling at most 200ml, wcr at most 1000ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} +1260000 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 @PDT1371625230.31 #\Completed {initialPurge; vibrio #vibrio 1} begun 20:15:00 #\Asleep after completing 13jun18UBC assays .GoodNews.suppressMail "",:Subject=>"Asleep after completing 13jun18UBC assays" @1371611667.32PDT .mGoodNews.suppressMail "12700 completed 13jun18UBC mission",:Subject=>"Ready to Recover" @1371612032.91PDT = =Pprocessing =Mmanipulator =Ccollection =tquick =FMFB =Ssampler =hcore =mquickScheduler =Astorage @PST0.00 #t\Copyright 2013 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/shallow/12700/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.xx $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2013/02/15 00:21:06 $\ #\Copyright 2008 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/mfb/MFB3/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.44 $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2012/08/17 18:43:45 $\ S) )  h Š C' '  h §‚ P% %  h Ľƒ F* *  h Ş„ S)đ +6 C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ P%€ 9\ C'€ -\ P%€ 2\ C'€ 2\ S)€&\ P%€ *\ F*€\ 9\ .t\SPE.coast P%€ 0\ F*€\ 9\ *€\ 9\ *  Đ˙˙˙ h Ş… .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig .\AS.stop F*\ ˆ„ú2 .t\AS.configure ASconfig F*5 *#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\CC.stop .\CC.configure CCconfig C'6 '$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\CS.stop C'5 .t\CS.configure CSconfig .\PC.stop C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž .t\PC.configure PCconfig P%6 .t\PS.stop P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%5 %#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .t\Forearm.stop .\Forearm.configure LooseForearm M&5 .tElbow.stop M&#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .tElbow.configure LooseElbow M&6 .t\SC.stop M&$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž .t\SC.configure SCloose A(6 .t\SE.stop A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A(5 .t\SS.stop A(#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž .t\SS.configure SSconfig S)5 .t\CH.coast S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€ vibrio !o:NameError:bt["(ESP):1:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52: mesgu:NameError::message@undefined local variable or method `vibrio' for main:Object: name: vibrio #-> define 'vibrio' #-> vibrio #\Starting hab #vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 1000ml .HABfans.suppressMail "CTD data unavailable",:Subject=>"vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 1000ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} +1260000 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 +84000 #-> $wcrVol=200 #-> vibrio #\Starting hab #vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 1000ml .HABfans.suppressMail "CTD data unavailable",:Subject=>"vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 1000ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} +1260000 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 +84000 #-> $vibrio #-> $vibrio[:wcrVol]=200 #-> vibrio #\Starting hab #vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 200ml .HABfans.suppressMail "CTD data unavailable",:Subject=>"vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 200ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} @PST39480.06 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 +84000 #-> $wcrVol=339 #-> wcr !o:ArgumentError:bt[ "(ESP):10:in `wcr'"(ESP):10:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52: mesg"(wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) #-> standAloneWCR !o:ArgumentError:bt[ " (ESP):11:in `standAloneWCR'"(ESP):11:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52: mesg"(wrong number of arguments (0 for 2) #-> wcr 400 #WCR sampling 400ml with [:fix, :fix, :fix] +420000 #-> exit @1371612296.87PDT @1371612605.61PDT = =Pprocessing =Mmanipulator =Ccollection =tquick =FMFB =Ssampler =hcore =mquickScheduler =Astorage @PST0.00 #t\Copyright 2013 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/shallow/12700/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.xx $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2013/02/15 00:21:06 $\ #\Copyright 2008 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/mfb/MFB3/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.44 $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2012/08/17 18:43:45 $\ S) )  h Š C' '  h §‚ P% %  h Ľƒ F* *  h Ş„ S)đ +6 C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ P%€ 9\ C'€ -\ P%€ 2\ S)€&\ C'€ 2\ P%€ *\ F*€\ 9\ .t\SPE.coast P%€ 0\ F*€\ 9\ *€\ 9\ *  Đ˙˙˙ h Ş… .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig .\AS.stop F*\ ˆ„ú2 .t\AS.configure ASconfig F*5 *#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\CC.stop .\CC.configure CCconfig C'6 .t\CS.stop C'$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\CS.configure CSconfig C'5 .t\PC.stop C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž .t\PC.configure PCconfig P%6 .t\PS.stop P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%5 %#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .t\Forearm.stop .\Forearm.configure LooseForearm M&5 .tElbow.stop M&#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .tElbow.configure LooseElbow M&6 .t\SC.stop M&$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž .t\SC.configure SCloose A(6 .t\SE.stop A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A(5 (#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž .t\SS.stop .\SS.configure SSconfig S)5 .t\CH.coast S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€ $wcrVol=240 #-> hab #\Starting hab #\hab sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 50ml .HABfans.suppressMail "CTD data unavailable",:Subject=>"hab sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 50ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto]} +1260000 #Disinfect Intake +12000 #-> $vibrioVol=333,250 #main sample 333ml, wcr sample 250ml #-> vibrio !o:NameError:bt["(ESP):4:in `irb_binding'"A/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'"0/opt/mbari/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52: mesgu:NameError::message@undefined local variable or method `vibrio' for main:Object: name: vibrio #-> define 'vibrio' #-> vibrio #\Starting hab #vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 1000ml .HABfans.suppressMail "CTD data unavailable",:Subject=>"vibrio sampling at most 1000ml, wcr at most 1000ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} +1260000 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 +84000 #-> $vibrioVol=333,250 #main sample 333ml, wcr sample 250ml #-> vibrio #\Starting hab #vibrio sampling at most 333ml, wcr at most 250ml .HABfans.suppressMail "CTD data unavailable",:Subject=>"vibrio sampling at most 333ml, wcr at most 250ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} @PST38760.06 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 +84000 #-> exit @1371612867.60PDT @1371613240.75PDT = =Mmanipulator =FMFB =Ssampler =hcore =tquick =Ccollection =mquickScheduler =Astorage =Pprocessing @PST0.00 #t\Copyright 2013 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/shallow/12700/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.xx $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2013/02/15 00:21:06 $\ #\Copyright 2008 MBARI\ /home/esp/esp2/mfb/MFB3/configure.rb\ $Revision: 1.44 $by $Author: preston $on $Date: 2012/08/17 18:43:45 $\ S) )  h Š C' '  h §‚ P% %  h Ľƒ F* *  h Ş„ S)đ +6 C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ P%€ 9\ C'€ -\ P%€ 2\ C'€ 2\ S)€&\ P%€ *\ F*€\ 9\ .t\SPE.coast F*€\ 9\ P%€ 0\ F*€\ 9\ *  Đ˙˙˙ h Ş… .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig .\AS.stop F*\ ˆ„ú2 .t\AS.configure ASconfig F*5 .t\CC.stop F*#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\CC.configure CCconfig C'6 .t\CS.stop C'$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\CS.configure CSconfig .\PC.stop C'5 .t\PC.configure PCconfig C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž P%6 .t\PS.stop P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%5 .t\Forearm.stop P%#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .t\Forearm.configure LooseForearm M&5 .tElbow.stop M&#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .tElbow.configure LooseElbow M&6 &$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž .t\SC.stop .\SC.configure SCloose A(6 .t\SE.stop A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A(5 .t\SS.stop A(#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž S)5 .t\SS.configure SSconfig .\CH.coast S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€"13jun18UBC begun" #\Asleep til 20:15:00 06/18/2013 #\Sleeping until 20:15PDT18-Jun-13 .GoodNews.suppressMail "Then, in tube 2: initialPurge; vibrio #vibrio 1\\n/home/esp/esp2local/mission/13jun18UBC.rb:12",:Subject=>"Asleep until 20:15PDT18-Jun-13" #"shutdown"\Shutdown @PDT1371611700.00 .t\Sleepy.power :dwarf,:ON .\Sleepy.power :raw,:ON S) )  h Šˆ C' '   h §‰ P% % \  h ĽŠ F* *   h Ş‹ C'€ 9\ '€ 0\ P%€ 9\ C'€ -\ P%€ 2\ C'€ 2\ S)€&\ P%€ *\ F*€\ 9\ .t\SPE.configure SPEconfig P%€ 0\ F*€\ 9\ .t\AS.configure ASconfig F*€\ 9\ *\ ˆ„ú2 .t\CC.configure CCconfig F*#,,'T(^20ŔČ(˙€ bž .t\CS.configure CSconfig C'$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\PC.configure PCconfig C'#P ŹĐd@–˙€Čbž .t\PS.configure PSconfig P%$Čxč–– ^22˙€bž .t\Forearm.configure LooseForearm P%#A Ź ¸d`x˙€Şbž .tElbow.configure LooseElbow M&#Q@ú2^d€^2˙€bž .t\SC.configure SCloose M&$ &.ŕÂ,(ŔČ˙€#bž .t\SE.configure SEconfig A($Đ.ŕź(\ 1Ü˙€~bž .t\SS.configure SSconfig A(#Q˙˙ýKčˆčČ-0€č-\ ˙€bž .t\CH.configure CHconfig S)#č.ŕč–0€X˙€"vibrio sampling at most 200ml, wcr at most 200ml" #with hab options {:image => [:hires, 160, :default, 40, :midres, 20, :auto],\ :wcrFixes => [:rnal, :rnal],\ :wcrTime => "4:00"} +1260000 .\hotBleach .delay 14:00 @PDT1371625230.31 #\Completed {initialPurge; vibrio #vibrio 1} begun 20:15:00 #\Asleep after completing 13jun18UBC assays .GoodNews.suppressMail "",:Subject=>"Asleep after completing 13jun18UBC assays" @1371613250.08PDT .mGoodNews.suppressMail "12700 completed 13jun18UBC mission",:Subject=>"Ready to Recover"